
My bad
I forgot about Armageddon. That's why we're still giving Double B a pass.

Why is Billy Bob considered such a great actor again?
Is he still coasting on Slingblade cred?

Commentary Track
I'm not going to defend this movie as being good, though I own it, and think it is funny from time to time. Dumb as hell, yes, but still funny.

Wasn't that supposed to get MTV back to it's roots? I mean, I like Pimp My Ride (at least with the original shop), but it was nice to actuallyl watch a video every once in a while before MTV2 just became MTV Rerun.

Messiah Complex
I don't know if it's directly responsible for the Rolling Stone cover, but I'm sure it's related: In his interview in Playboy magazine (maybe a year ago or so) Kanye was going on about how he was an important figure in society and even said "If they wrote the Bible today, I'd definitely be one of the

Shawn Carter does not care about black people.
And for a rich kid who grew up in the suburbs, how does Kanye get to feel so entitled and yet still play the race card when he doesn't win a freakin' MTV award?

In defense of Okie Noodling
Not that anyone is reading this thread anymore, but…

Same Movies
I would imagine that just because two people from the same website are at the festival, that they wouldn't try to divide up all the films. There will almost certainly be plenty of films with a lot of buzz that they'll both be sure to see while they're there. Also, I think everyone who is at the festivel

What does it take to be a star?
Is it like porn, where everyone who's involved in it is a star?

QT line basically stolen from football coach
From a NY Times article about Texas Tech coach Mike Leach:
"Football's the most violent sport," Leach says. "And because of that, the most intense and emotional." Truth is, he loves the violence. "Aw, yeah, the violence is awesome. That's the best part."

Picture captions
What happened to those? Back in the day we used to get some (hopefully) clever little caption under all the pictures, or when you hovered your mouse over it.

To answer my own question
I did think the Matador was a good movie. I got question mark happy. Sorry.

Does Howard speak a recognizable human language in this one?
Or does he just mumble through the whole thing like usual?

He was good in
Saving Private Ryan. He should try to get a sequel off the ground. See if he can find a way for the Nazis to attack Rhode Island.

Maybe I just scare easily
But Dark Crystal scared the bejeezus out me as a kid. But I remember thinking it was really cool (and kind of sad) that the main bad guys and the main good guys were all linked together.

Where's the Three Amigos?!
While I enjoyed Once Upon A Time in the West, it takes quite a bit of work to make it through it. My brother and father both got bored and left to do other things about half way through it. It does take a while to make it's point.

Why'd you have to go and do that?
Hebrew Hammer could have been a much better movie if they it didn't have Andy Dick. Just like Undercover Brother could have been much, much better without Chris Kattan. Basically, Dick and Kattan are the same person for me and both suck in general and as villians specifically.

Greg the Bunny
Did, hands down, the best take on 2001.
How can you go wrong when Greg and Warren tell HAL they need to go in the escape pod where he can't hear them because they have to "uhm… go jerk off. See ya, HAL".

The best part about Nicky Katt
is that he actually speaks in a manner in which you can understand what he says.

Bootleg Gandalf
was the best act at Lolapoolza this year. They're going to be huge.