
You guys are really down on this Hitler fella.

Solve mysteries. But this is an OK second choice.

Sounds hard. Let's just 3D shoot a paddle-ball coming at the camera.

It's like you could reach out and touch Nedry's neck wattle.

"Get off my dimension!"

When are we going to get a 3D version of the shart picture?

It's disappointing, because despite his abhorrent politics, Zinke seemed like the one cabinet appointee with a shred of integrity based on his time in Montana.

Meanwhile, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is either so afraid for his job or is so slimy that he's calling up Senators to threaten them over the healthcare vote.

Can we get Ron Jeremy as White House spokesman? He seems classier and more eloquent.

Couldn't even successfully lean on a New Yorker reporter? That's just sad, Mooch.

It'll be clean condoms and dirty beads this time.

It's what Chester Bennington would've wanted.

What if it's all that, but watching ice skating? Still smert?

Nothing, I mean nothing, will stop us from watching large men pound each other while we eat 5-layer bean dip on Sundays.

Yet, has anyone done a study on the correlation between watching football and brain damage? What if it's not the alcohol in Bud Light, but the beechwood aging?

No, they were stabbed to death. Your joke doesn't make any sense.

You told them.

Albert Finney: "Not if I have anything to say about it!"

Publisher Image and Deadline differ on the movie's plot.

We've all had those. Ahhhh….