
Before we all dissolve, I'd just like to tell everyone:

*breaks beer bottle over own head to entertain Count Erpoint*

*dances like Tingle out of apocalyptic madness*

Noting that fans “seemed to be very concerned about how fast a raven can fly,”

Does that promo photo actually have a boom mic sticking in the frame? Otherwise, what is that thing over the girl's head?

If you haven't seen Friday the 13th by now, would you ever?

Even The Sinful Nuns Of Saint Valentine?

Heh, The Thaw. Pretty good and gross for fat-Val Kilmer trash.

O'Neal: "Yeah, well, can your friends from college do this?"

Meh, I've been caught on camera masturbating to worse things than my upvotes.

Sure, my butt and…

As long as he doesn't call them PantsGoblins…

Nurple practitioners are already trying out to achieve the perfect color for BullyCon 2018.

It's the least Amazon could do after Teti bought all those 50-gallon vats of lube.

Something tight and revealing.

With a handle!

Guy on the left side of the photo with the shield and whatever that weapon is needs a name.

Here's betting it'll be called "I'll Be Your Mirror".

No, I don't want your goddamned newsletter, A.V. Club.

Damnit, don't make me respect Neal Schon.