
To forget the fact you're watching a middle-aged David Thewlis playing the God of War?

Hapless Him

…and the culprit is in this very room! Was it Col. Xanderpuss? Professor Jake Gyllenhaal? Ms. Generic Indie Kid?

Won't be as funny as the nerds pronouncing it correctly at the ticket booth a few times before giving up and sighing "E-Beeza".


Your move, fellow "Is Horror The New Trend?" thinkpiece subject It Follows.

When's Bob Newhart going to show up in a MCU movie? It's what the kids are clamoring for.

I just learned about this character and I'll be goddamned if I'm not going to take this too far!

For Our Consideration: Is Darryl truly Thor canon?

Is Kirk Cameron Left Me Behind the Dark Lord of Fart Hell?

Or a fluegelhorn.

I bet O'Neal would publish stories about stuff like that if the Onion brass would let him.

She has a cool Sade t-shirt in the Instagram photo.

I always want to shout this band's name like I'm a desk chief in an '80s cop movie.

Ask the GOP lawmakers passing restrictive "voter fraud" laws.

Beer, toques, jean jackets, etc.

Alopecia Man was always my favorite of the second-stringers.

Therefore it's possibly a ruse or ambush or gambit of some kind, intended to snare or encapture us.

It's like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to you? I find it lowers my mental stability.