
Octopi are exotic there.

I can only assume "Lebsiam" means "Lebanese-Siamese," which Texas and Louisiana seem really into.

He has either the best or worst name ever.

What's "extensive cocaine therapy" and how do I sign up?

"Curtis Hanson's dead. Who's to stop me?! Hahahahahah!"

Hey, Benzino co-owns The Source, a magazine that I'm not sure exists any more but would probably bring in some money if it did.

You got another ticket to paradise there?

Do kids that young still love Eminem? Genuinely asking, because I can only see aging Millennials/Gen Y types actually buying this.

For some reason, my brain always thinks of this opening but follows it up with Offspring's "Pretty Fly for a White Guy". It's not pleasant.

Of the donation?

Why would you want punk rock from a U2 album?

Being an adolescent really is a nightmare a lot of the time

You dare question me?

Yes. I am a man from the future and you now enter the Harry Styles era of humanity. Don't worry, it'll end in 2048.

Benzene is classed as a hydrocarbon.

Oh yes. Something Moore was very displeased about.

He was a big animal activist and worked on the campaign to get foie gras out of the Selfridges chain stores.

I don't like her music.

The ones who can do so are the real 300-style warriors.

Disparaging the reboot is a rebootable offense.