
Pitchfork under Condé Nast is amusing to watch. The old website wouldn't have touched something like that unless it was to praise a ramshackle indie group covering "Umbrella".

"You guys liked Sideways, right? 'Cause there's some wine in this movie, unlike any other film set in France."

And now, the President spreads his campaign of cognitive dissonance and general mindfuckery to the rest of the world.

There goes the only national touring act Iowa will see this year.

Ayer will be directing a rewrite of a script he originally penned, one that was obviously determined to be unsatisfactory

Someone of influence owns the rights, probably.

Pre-Treasure Cocteau Twins, I assume. Do serious goths really listen to their candy-coated stuff from the late '80s on?

Sounds like a story that could get you laid in certain goth circles.

Hard to tell, since Fox only counts them as 3/5 on their taxes.

Am I to guess MSNBC already has a door plaque made for him?

Why were they all even up that early? I guess impotent rage prevents sleep.

Won't everyone be surprised when Katy Perry's enemy is actually Bush-era Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta.

Soggy trench warfare, feet rotting off, mustard gas. Total dad catnip.

Thanks for this article. I was just noticing how OK Computer turns twenty next month and I was wondering how this film would hold up since I'm no longer a sullen teenager.

Nothing as satisfying as taking down a crusty old Dean. I hope she got tossed in a swimming pool.

Harry Potter is that way for me. As WALRUS KING says, it is kind of nice.

Catholickin' Good

Why is Politico reporting on this?

Their livers probably look identical.