
Sequel: …vs. King Ralph

I definitely had it good as a child, because I never understood this show until a teacher explained to me that the repetitiveness and maudlin nature were for the benefit of children from troubled homes.

Caption: "Yeah, I got a little roughed up, but those $5.99 diapers were so worth it, hombre."

Frankly, you spend too much time acting as hall monitor for the site's content.

Sean Spicer in: How Not To Be Seen

I like to think there are more high-brow variations of butt book to choose from, like The Ass Anthology or The Tome of Tuckuses.

They had a title like I Heard You Paint Houses and they went with that.

Damned millennials. Whatever happened to pretending to be a dignitary of some country that no one's heard of?

Hormel Bacon Juice. They have cases of it around the A.V. Club office.

Kapur is the director behind Elizabeth, its 2007 sequel, and one of the shorts in the New York, I Love You anthology

If I were her, I wouldn't discuss anything that makes viewers think of driving ability.

now would “like to dare people like Bill Gates, to give them like two years to clean the oceans…

It's not malicious. It's just to not disturb the colony of elves in her lawn.

Those clowns must be sad, what with no one around.

Chronic carpal-tunnel syndrome, stemming from that weird way he and Jon held their hands.

Yeah, Doug, but I just saw your movie about Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, which forgets how to be a movie in the second half. I'm not sure I believe your intense devotion to the script.

I hate those kelptocrats. Always snatching away prime seaweed from underprivileged sea otters.

Stiller, during the auditions: "I'm gonna make you Sweat."

I really wanted to know who those 8 enemies were while standing in line at the grocery store.

Razorback is for the cineastes.