
Is this your new "logorrhea" bit?

I heard he runs an orphan-based chimney sweeping ring called "Plumber Ducks".

Yeah, all true, but I just don't think the failure of the AHCA is going to get tied to Trump in the public imagination.

Possible pneumonia!

That was intra-warfare in the Republican party. The Donald barely had any idea what was in the bill and they knew it.

What, lickspittles like the entirety of the GOP Congress that won't stand up to anything he does?

So, assuming the President actually makes it to a reelection campaign in 2020 and loses, how many think he'll declare the election results invalid and try to retain power?

But baseless, reflexive snark is all we have.

Are the vacating of lawns jokes acceptable, o wise sage?


If he can guarantee unintentional comedy like walking away from a press conference while forgetting to sign the executive order (which he did today), I'd watch it.

Cobra: Still Eatin'

One might guess who the replacement will be, but it won't be me.

I like 'em skinny and stupid.

Kid. #NPHsoadorable

"Garroted"? "Vas deferens"? We don't take too kindly to fancy words like that around here.

I like it when Teti dumps out the vat of lube for his slip-slidey tricks.


What's wrong with people enjoying a movie trailer?

Yeah, but have you seen how ugly most public school children are? I don't want my dollars going to enable that.