
The rest of those men do not deserve to be ranked with the eminently disgusting Ted Cruz.

I'm so bored with all these ladies cumming stories, A.V. Club. Why don't you get back to dissing DC Studios or something?

Um, animation is not a medium where you want to be coy with your effects. This isn't the 2014 movie—show me fucking Godzilla!

Isn't the whole point of SNL throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks?

I just watched GDT's favorite film, Spirit of the Beehive, over the weekend. Very beautiful film, every shot like Giorgio de Chirico's "Mystery and Melancholy of a Street".

Conway/Spicer can be counted on to say something stupid in any given week.

No, the author already answered it for you. The directors are lured into making boilerplate franchise films like Marvel's.

Am I to guess this was supposed to be for the Kevin Sorbo Newswire?

Super, a 15th Anniversary screening of Bowling For Columbine, that film I agree with whose motives I despise.

I will say, at least we get to see some exotic landscapes in the new Star Wars movies instead of the backlots in the Marvel Studios' "epics".

No, you're thinking of the psychological horror movie that is the A.V. Club comment boards.

Of course, don't be happy that a black director's movie is so successful or anything, Sam.


I can't wait. Love me a dopey global disaster movie with slumming name actors.

Obi-Wan-Di Obi-Wan-Da

Cocaine's a hell of a drug.

Product of John and Yoko.

I didn't know this guy was still a thing.


"Say, uh, Logan looks kind of gay, too. We should probably get a screening to make sure."