
I'm not sure I understood it.

*washes hair off a week-old Danish in approximate celebration*

I'm still trying to figure out why anyone would care about a movie about Ray Kroc.

If so, too bad Korine already used up the title Trash Humpers.

"Marmite? Yeast is a living creature, you subhumans!"

"I am tired of all these documentary series' about my giant hand. The first such series occurred in…"

Alternative rock in 1997 was a jaunty, novelty placeholder between the end of grunge and the start of rap-rock (with a blessedly brief stop at the swing revival). “Song 2,” “Tubthumping,” “The Impression That I Get,” “Semi-Charmed Life”—all of the year’s hits had a certain, irresistible quirkiness.


Why is the abbreviation for Switzerland "CH"?

Perfect Venn diagram.


Stupid Cronenberg making all these prestige films when we really want some disgusting body horror.

I'd castle with his rook, if you know what I mean.

That's your answer for everything.

All About My Mother

What a lot of publicity for a horrid-looking January movie.

Ew, he likes Pom Wonderful.

Not that I'm saying you shouldn't tip well (if you've got enough to eat out at a place with servers, you have enough), but you never forget an epically shitty waiter and want to punish them.

"Aw, let's not go nuts."

Uh huh. It was the media's fault that a majority there cast a vote for a stupefyingly unqualified candidate who demonstrably lost each of the debates.