
The fact that we're still talking about her nearly 20 years into her career as an "author" means she's doing just fine.

That's tragically accurate.

She covered that by making her son part of the suit.

Just three weeks ago she lost the lawsuit against Schlafly Beer, which was started by her nephew, in trademarking the name.

To be fair, that sounds like my family's priorities.

Was that directed at OccasionalJonathan or Pete Townshend?

Sweet, my Labor Day weekend plans right in the nick of time!

That beat-up van they're in will have to hustle to make Salt Lake and Las Vegas shows in two concurrent days.

"Was that a pass?"

Dear Jon,

We'll see if Least Essential Albums bounces from being a shadow of itself these days. Maybe there will be an appropriate review of this album.

Joe Pesci.

Puppies killed my father. Their teeth are very sharp, I'll have you know.

I once saw a bumper sticker that just said "MALARIA SUCKS".

My left testicle.

Rodham it!

Moe-norrhea is their leader.

Artists like Springsteen and Neil Young do that as well. Does that mean they're immoral?

Not like there's much else to call it if you're honest.

Yikes, I hadn't thought of Stina Nordenstam in forever. Her voice has a way of burrowing into your head until you go shoot up a building, but maybe that's just me.