Fruity Steve

I hope this means that, finally, there will be an account of Jim Jones that shows his early days as a door-to-door pet monkey salesman.

Oh, she was the guy in Pulp Fiction that I thought for the longest time was Seinfeld in some kind of strange cameo

This should really have been called "Blacktivity" since "An Affair to Rememblack" was already taken.

Oh I'm sure he'll be back. Dead Brett is just part of the long con.

You don't need to say you're black to avoid offending people, just say you have black friends. No need to make things worse for yourself.

But that's a cartoon - this was real lifes.

The show had an Asian jock - it was doomed to fail.

But why not fucking "Fifteen"!?

I just hope that she doesn't shirk her responsibilities on her long-awaited directorial debut that I just heard about.

Something you should know about NPH. I installed two-way mirrors in his pad in Brentwood, and he come to the door in a dress

"Etienne Gonna Die" is an awesome song.

Adam Sandler's novelty account is as tiresome and uninspired as everything else he does. Which leads me to believe it isn't a novelty account.

No ninjas no ninjas, no?

Burnt Offerings gave me horrible, scarring childhood nightmares. I never knew what movie it was until 20 years later when I stumbled across it on tv. It wasn't as nearly as scary as 6 year old me thought it was.

My friend convinced me that there was an LA Law crossover. There wasn't.

And he taught Michael Jackson how to dance

Neil Patrick Harris is the bad guy in The Return of the Evil Leaper (Part One) - no, that is the real title. So at least it's got that working in its favor.

And they actually switch bodies - so Sam is really lecherous while Al is goody two-shoes. And Al knows martial arts. Man that was a great episode. And agreed - I remember that being the longest summer of my life.

It was the same year as JFK and Bellasario wrote the episode because he was a firm believer in the single shooter "theory" and hated the Oliver Stone film. Or, at least that's what TV Guide reported at the time.

I cant believe I'm going to admit to knowing this but, as explained in one of the novels (which I believe are canon, but I'm not sure), Sam and Al were linked biologically (pieces of their brain were in Ziggy - the computer - and one another) which made it so that they weren't affected by the shifting timelines. It