Fruity Steve

Hell yeah - this is the best AVClub article I've ever read. And I've been coming here for two weeks!

I read that as "Charleston Chew" shootings and now I'm disappointed.

It's like regardless with a top hat

If having anniversary/birthday sex with the dead-eyed, hole-in-a-sheet stiffness that is Jared Kushner doesn't sound like work to you, then I don't know what else to say.

This is sadder than when Robin Williams masturbated himself to death.

I mean yeah, the disease didn't kill him so he kind of won.

Which one does it remind you of?

Yeah, Rio Bravo…I mean Assault on Precinct 13…I mean Prince of Darkness…I mean Ghosts of Mars is pretty awesome.

I had an idea for an Escape From New York remake where, instead of searching in a city overrun by gangs for the president, the story takes place in the west in the 1800s and he has to search in hostile indian territory for his nieces when they're kidnapped in an attack on their homestead.

This explains why that guy in a limo stopped and offered me $300 when I sharted in my pants while walking to work this morning.

I just watched "Something Wild" this weekend. He should be remembered for "Melvin & Howard" - that has to be one of the most amazing films of the 80s.

nope. She's a great actor, but I don't know that she would be able to play "characters", if that makes any sense.

I guess this one was for the "real fans" - you know, those people who know Dill Harcourt's name isn't Gill. As someone who has serious "Girlstism", I loved that this one just spend time with Marnie and Vanna. It's nice to see Vanna finally become an adult.

So she got pregnant in the summer, left New York City in the Summer, got a job teaching in upstate new york in the summer, and has a six week old baby in the summer.

I think if you have the $500 to drop on multiple trackers then you probably aren't pinching pennies by recharging batteries.

What if they got there and the battery wasn't the problem? What if it was broken? What if water leaked in and shorted it out? Much easier to swap it and then troubleshoot it back at chicken HQ.

Leave her alone - clearly she isn't too bright since she bought one of those Asian knockoff Land Rover Range Rovers for $8752.

Not even Hitler had a Range Rover.

I bet she did more than flash your best friend. You know it too.

What's Y2K?