JLC 776

That moment was perfectly done.

Bran is basically Jar-Jar.

I'm not necessarily supporting the scene, I'm just pointing out that it wasn't exactly an all-Beinoff/Weiss thing. A lot of people seem to quickly be jumping to that incorrect conclusion.

I know! Warty dicks do that to me, too!

Except the showrunners, in the post-show, talked about how that was all GRRM, but sure blame it on them.

Ugh…  I can't stand the fact that this show felt the need to REPLAY the scene of the pastor telling Maggie that 'Daniel has never seen blonde hair / nothing but trouble' to punctuate the reason why she is cutting off and dying her hair.  The idea that Sorkin et al felt the audience needed that scene shown over again

I'm with you.  That ending is one that has really grown on me over the years.

“Chester nods all the way through this, but does not rudely interrupt Randy as a younger nerd would. Your younger nerd takes offense quickly when someone near him begins to utter declarative sentences, because he reads into it an ssertion that he, the nerd, does not already know the information being imparted. But

I'm sure there are plenty of great books prior to Clancy with techno-thriller themes, but the guy is pretty much universally accepted as the father of the genre - and it's not even remotely close.

I lost months of my life in his universe when I was younger.  There was nothing better than diving into a giant, brand-new, hardcover Jack Ryan book back when he was the only guy writing military, techno-thrillers.

That's a good point… they did cover that base pretty well.

With all of the rumors of Walt's return, I'm surprised it was only two eyes watching the house.

So how about Todd's ring-tone for Lydia?  Homie had it bad for her…

I'm not sure if the symmetry means anything (although I'm sure it was probably intentional), but I loved that Jesse got to strangle Todd - the same way that Walt got to strangle Krazy 8 two years earlier.

It's hard to believe that it's really over…  So long, Breaking Bad.

So what's the "Send him to Belize" analogue?

I'm hearing that there's a lot of intentional detail in that snippet of a chess match being played by the firemen towards the end of the episode: http://i.imgur.com/Vw4yUQa.png

The show definitely loves its dogs.  I think Walt is certainly a stray dog at that point of the episode - wandering about with no family.

I completely agree with you on every point.  This show has been amazing and every time I try to step back and look at it in an unbiased way, I'm still amazed.  I want the upcoming Emmys to be a 100% Breaking Bad love fest.