Wiseau Serious

Does Stark pay the Iron Price, or the Gold?

That's from a 2001 series by Drew (of toothpastefordinner fame). Here's the whole series:

Needs more Sportacus.

I'm glad Davos has once again found his Little Princess!

I really hope we get to see Jorah and Barristan sneak through the sewers together.

The one thing I'm sorry they left out is the subplot of Hoster calling out "Tansy" during his passing. Cat assumes Tansy is a woman Hoster once knew or invented in his dying delirium, but the subtext was that Lysa was pregnant (assumedly with Petyr's child) and that Hoster forced her to take "Tansy" (an herb) in order

Also, it seems that to survive as a Bolton man, you'd probably have to temper your loyalty with viciousness. I imagine Bolton, especially in-show Bolton, is going to prove as calculating with blood as Tywin is with money, essentially saying, "We took his hand when we could have taken his head. I am altering the deal,

Good call @avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus ! Man the writing on this show is unbelievably tight.

I'm not saying Pod doesn't pack a punch! Heck, Kings Landing is full of whores with hearts of gold, so they were probably charmed by Pod's simpleness and not jaded at all… But I imagine they could have chosen to take whatever Pod offered as additional compensation had he proven himself tedious.

I highly doubt Podrick's the leak in Tyrion's camp. I assumed that Littlefinger had deduced the reason for Shae's presence in King's Landing through his own considerable cleverness, not because of something Pod had said. Kid doesn't talk much as it is, I can't imagine he's a gossiper.

@avclub-b412111ef45d525d5c519591282e1b8c:disqus After Feast, I'm really struggling with Dance. Jon and Dany are probably two of the most unappealing characters in the series… They're just so humorless, and they seem to have been robbed of whatever agency they had in the earlier books. I'm hoping the facts that the

Compared to Sims, Pod's a freaking archmaester.

I can't believe how many people are totally misreading the Podrick scene. It's kind of shameful. Tyrion has been forbidden by his father to consort with prostitutes, and so he's living vicariously through Podrick, but more than that, it's a very useful scene to show Tyrion's character development. When Tyrion was

Yeah, if it wasn't someone like Wilko Johnson, I wouldn't expect it to be even possible, but he seems like a guy who doesn't take himself too seriously… I read that he was going on a farewell tour with his rhythm and blues band and basically going out with a bang, so I could definitely see him being willing and


Ew, Rabin? Have you seen the shorts he wears?

The prostitute wiping the jism from her mouth and then kissing a guy was a tad gratuitous. Not complaining though!



@avclub-d1dd537846e529e1101d7c23e170fe4b:disqus I've seen the FBI Surveillance Van wifi too! Where do you live?