Wiseau Serious

This seems more like a Papa John's Misty move.

The Boulevard is not that bad…

This is bad and you should feel bad.

These aren't the Starks you're looking for.

My favorite thing to do was to create the fiercest pride of warrior beasts, then running around taking down epic creatures.

"I want to make shows that people actually want to watch! Shows where a guy gets
a drink thrown in his face, and then he turns to his dog and says, 'Don't even say it.' To his dog!"

"Go, Mordecai! …No seriously, go. Away. Get out of here, you creepy lipless freak!"

It doesn't take 12 monkeys to figure out that it's about time Bandits became a film!

It was a great year for David Wain singing in the shower.

That's because they ran on fossil fuel.

And Ian McShane's gonna be there too right?

Is this also why he wasn't allowed to be in Grown Ups 2?

Denny, two is great, but three is a crowd.

This was a really cool and beautiful movie. I went in expecting Hoffman to be the weaselly Rizzo sidekick, but he actually seemed to have a lot more depth in this role. Anyway I remember this being a bit of a spiritual experience, feeling a bit of attrition myself when Papillon finally escaped.

I got worms.

Unless you're a whale, that is.

@avclub-7833d176ad6f6dde5efc95848e6f47a8:disqus @avclub-841722355e8015bfff4b8345d8b9722c:disqus  - Here's what I'm anticipating for the series finale, just in case you don't make it, tell me if I'm right?

I saw the original at the World Erotic Art Museum in Miami a few years ago. Fun museum, I recommend!

Mothmonsterman: "I bought a house in Belize."
Oog: "Oh me always want go there."
Mothmonsterman: "..for like..dirt cheap."
Romulux: "Belize is a very expensive city, actually."
Mothmonsterman: "It's a country."

McBride's involvement gives me full confidence that this will sweep Cannes!