Wiseau Serious

I kept wanting to see more of McNulty wreaking havoc but there was barely any of that!

Today I fell asleep halfway through John Carter!

But Yoren comes back as Arya's Obi Wan in book 3!

I always thought he said 'Coal train'.

The Dooshbaghe shtick usually bums me out but the over-the-topness of this particular post is really doing it for me! *****/*****

I haven't been totally up to date with these reviews because I watched the show with the Brits… But why does it say this was episode 7?

Sounds like what's currently cool is to be ""too cool" for ""too cool" for Will Ferrell"". Geez, Rabin, get in touch!

Best episode of TV I've ever seen!

Yeah, we know, first day on the job, bring in a six pack, set it in front of your boss, and wink. They love that!

You beat me to it, @avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus !

You expect me to believe that Owen Wilson stuck around for the entire Terminator franchise and skipped out on X-Men? Come on!

Who was the store clerk at the figurine store? Sounded kind of like Drew Droege… It's driving me crazy.

I thought this was the best episode so far.

I'd put a handful of corn nuggets in her tailpipe if you know what I mean.

I just can't stay mad at Harvey Keitel!

I would eat her teeth!

"Serious rap" is what he said.

The episode of The 'Bu in which all the characters are replaced by Romano, Falconer, and Chester Tam is hilarious. So was the show's tailspin into cancellation. But the Lonely Island stuff was pretty funny too, aside from the lame first episode. Why ya gotta hate?

“If you saw two guys named Hambone and Flippy, which one would you think liked dolphins most? I'd say Flippy, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong though. It's Hambone.”

The Brits have the longest-running soap opera ever in Coronation Street.