Charity Froggenhall

Anyone get the full translation of Denis' outburst? The only word I caught was "prostitute" aimed in Tulip's direction. Cool house though.

My favorite part was Tulip just keeping plugging quarters into the cigarette machine as the room filled up with a slew of guys twice her size.

She should be ensconced in the vernacular, as she is a national treasure.

Thank you, show, for Joseph Gilgun and Dominic Cooper in their shorts. More of the same, please.

Right there with you, ladies.

Here lies Vanessa Ives.

I thought this was one of those cruel hoaxes about celebrity deaths, then I hoped that was all it was. I never heard a bad thing said about him in the press. Maybe because he often played characters younger than he actually was, but this just hits me like God, he was just a BABY. His poor parents.

Fare thee well, Family. You were flawed but interesting. And you put Joan Allen in my living room every week.

Giddy, YES, exactly! The whole episode just made me happy. My inner Hammer fan and 15-year-old Goth were so satisfied.

It's totally ridiculous but SO GLAD GABE IS STILL ALIVE!

It was so good to see him, and he was terrific.

Facile, yes, that's a good word.

Ian McShane

I'd rather an actor skip the accent than do a distractingly bad one. (I'm looking at you, Jonathan Harker/Keanu.)

OMG, I cried when Laurel told Quentin. What an amazing scene. Kudos to them both.

Sometimes I actually WANT to pay for content if it's good enough!

Now how do you watch this thing if you don't have cable TV, let alone Showtime??? I've been on iTunes and Amazon, and haven't seen it for sale. I caught the pilot for free on Hulu.

Well, that's just delightful. :)

You neglected to mention that David Tennant is now Peter Davison's son-in-law and father of two of Davison's grandchildren. Which I think takes fandom to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.

So true!