His crew was such a great ensemble. Wasted in the sequel.
His crew was such a great ensemble. Wasted in the sequel.
Yes, the Renfield & Grayson relationship is my favorite on the show. More of Renfield's background please!
No, but it's got pretty photography, and I am enjoying JRM's performance.
What a beautiful boy Goldblum is in this film. Ahhhh.
When he was a younger man, my God, he was dashing. LAURA. THE BARON OF ARIZONA, which is a fine film in his own right. Damn, he was a handsome man.
No THEATRE OF BLOOD? Shakespearian actor takes revenge on the critics who savaged his career by killing them in methods inspired by the plays? It's genius.
I felt that was supporty-hand-holding, not romantic.
Unless he's been wearing a wig THIS WHOLE TIME. *dun dun DUN*
Oh gagggg, yes.
I prefer the shorter 13-episode structure. Less filler, more actual content. We have finally embraced the BBC format, and I for one am glad.
A murder of Crowes. Thank you.
And David Meunier. Johnny Crowder might be a small-time asshole, but those blue eyes…
Are the girls supposed to be twins? The younger versions looked almost the same age, but adult Jenny seems younger than Abbie.
Watching Un Chien Andalusien in film class was very very rough.
I have a soft spot for his film NIGHTHAWKS. It's dated as hell now, but it's a terrific action thriller.
Is it me, or does she resemble Eve Myles (Gwen from TORCHWOOD) *just* a tiny bit?
I don't remember watching this at the time, but does anyone else remember the TV movie Something about Amelia? I didn't go near my dad for 6 months. (I was 12 or 13.)
The ripping the pages out of the book… still chilling.
Aw, I kinda love Zathras. I was very sad to find out the actor Tim Choate died in a motorcycle accident a few years ago.