
"What was interesting about that piece is it was only three minutes long and it actually kind of made the show seem bad."

I think the San Diego Diet/Mindset guy is also the fat dad, so he has a little more backstory than you're giving him credit for.

This wasn't the first time he intentionally burned himself with boiling water…just the first time someone else found out.

This wasn't the first time he intentionally burned himself with boiling water…just the first time someone else found out.

What the hell is the Rory Scovel snippet doing at the end of this video?

What the hell is the Rory Scovel snippet doing at the end of this video?

Come in bunches?  Sounds like a gang rape to me…

So this was The Social Network episode of Newsroom?

So this was The Social Network episode of Newsroom?

Gotta disagree with you here, it has to do with who/what you're rooting for.  You hate good players on other teams because they are in the way of success for the team you root for.  You want the movie you're seeing to be good, so you hate Nicole Kidman for making it that much harder for you to feel that way.  You can

Gotta disagree with you here, it has to do with who/what you're rooting for.  You hate good players on other teams because they are in the way of success for the team you root for.  You want the movie you're seeing to be good, so you hate Nicole Kidman for making it that much harder for you to feel that way.  You can

Thanks…so what was she going to find out sooner or later?  Isn't that what Schmidt or Winston said when they sent her in there?

My DVR cut off the very end of the episode…Caroline was in the shower with Nick, right?

I feel like every time Yost talks about Joelle Carter, he talks about how much she had a blast doing whatever they wrote for her, while he is quick to praise seemingly every other actor for the amazing job they've done.  I don't know if it's just because he's tired of talking about how awesome an actress she is, but

So the pre-credits theme was Knocked Up in 2 minutes, only Seth Rogen dies in the end?  Pretty awesome.

It's Anthony Davis, not Antonio, for the HUAL writeup.

I loved the exchange where Max feels all smart for calling out Penny on her "Lible" saying libel is already a thing…that thing being printed slander, which is basically the Lible.

That analogy calls back last week's Jeff and Britta exchange about analogies.  If this episode was made before Urban Matrimony, then last week's joke beefed up this week's a little bit, which made me mind it a little less.  Like they realized it would be annoying, so they gave it a bit more justification.

Still a great season for the Jackrabbits.

He's already on Up All Night as a fellow dad/buddy of Will Arnett.