The highs have been consistently in the 80s and often in the 90s here in Tampa for 3 months now.
The highs have been consistently in the 80s and often in the 90s here in Tampa for 3 months now.
It's funny how many people talk shit about Tampa Bay's fan base, when Chicago's was so much worse. The last time Tampa's attendance was within 2000 people of Chicago's in 2003-04, 2005-06 and 2006-07 was back in 2000-01.
It's been weird rooting for a Tampa Bay team against St. Louis and Brad Richards.
Hey, a lot of America. Welcome to AV Club.
Guys, this means we could potentially see an ad for Community during an NFL game.
Wait, who is Ho-Ho? (blech)
I think this is right to an extent. He connected with Leonard because of their shared emotion of feeling lonely and isolated even with people around, but, at least on my first viewing, I feel like he wasn't really interested in what Leonard was saying while he was talking about no one noticing him when he's in the…
Why did no one tell me Nathan Fillion and Elizabeth Banks starred in Slither? My friends are a bunch of assholes.
I definitely didn't ever consider that Don hugging Leonard had anything to do with Leonard (and through that, us, the viewer). Don has always been way too selfish for that.
Buck Angel?
If it's a single frame, he isn't doing much moving.
At first I was like "They can't possibly have exclusive rights on giant lizard monsters," and then they just kept saying Godzilla over and over.
It definitely felt like something got cut from that thread. Or maybe they're setting up something later.
He's not southern, he had a pretty neutral accent on Spontaneanation
I would hope if they'd signed a contract, they would cover branding in it.
I didn't like him that much in season 1, but prior to this episode, he had the best moment of a few episodes in a row. Definitely been my favorite this season.
I wasn't as down on the actual experience of watching the film, but it definitely plays into most every cliche of gangster movie. It felt a lot like watching Goodfellas with more of an emphasis on the procedural sides and less (though still some) humor. I was fairly impressed by it as I was walking out of the…
Well, good thing they still have Hannibal.
I guess I'm always distracted from the show's telegraphing it by my friends telling me how great this episode is before I watch it, as if I don't know what that means on this and The Walking Dead.
I thought it either way was possible by the end, but my initial feeling when seeing them both fighting turned out to be true.