
For a show that loves unexpectedly killing of characters, they really telegraphed the outcome of the battle with the Sons of the Harpy last week. Grey Worm would obviously survive with his unresolved love story with Missandei, and Ser Barristan telling one more story about her family before being called into battle.

I'm a 20-something and I'm familiar with that Will Ferrell movie.

I figured it would be Tyrion who was infected, what with the shot of him being grabbed by one of them underwater. I guess it has to be direct skin contact? Or it's just a slow reveal.

I've been wanting to watch Das Boot again for so long, but it's just feels like such a time commitment. I still remember how intense it felt for pretty much the entire 3 and a half hours. Never thought any movie could sustain that for that long, especially one so confined and quiet.

So it hasn't even been a day yet, and they're 2/3 of the way to the £1 million stretch goal. Looks like they're probably going to have to follow through with the simultaneous console versions.

His failure to emulate him was perfectly demonstrated by Pete talking to Don about how hard it is to find another love like he had with his ex-wife, and Don just having no clue what he's on about.

I hope Bryan Fuller is on some of them. He was pretty good on No You Shut Up.

I watched this movie just by picking it off a list of random recommendations I write down, without reminding myself anything about it because I like to watch movies that way. I didn't realize it was an actual documentary until the end credits. The guy is so charismatic that I thought he had to be an actor and the

The license plate has to be allowed to stand its ground, just like everyone else.

Yeah, was that Who Charted? I had a friend in elementary school who was very into flight sims, and it is definitely a hard thing to get into. I guess you have to be super into all the minutia of planes to really enjoy it.

Yes, but still quite the nerd. Pretty sure that's the first time someone has plugged their Twitch account.

Yeah, I see it as sincere, but only something he can admit now that he see's himself as "the winner" and therefore an even better person.

Ken went from calling her father a corporate shill to taking his job real quick, after she said she was disappointed he waited so long to leave that job. No way Alex Mack is happy.

You're like the Hebrew Dolph Lundgren or some shit.

Being a big fan of The Unicorns, especially, I saw Islands open for the Psychedelic Furs and Happy Mondays. I never got into Happy Mondays and I had to work in the morning, so we decided we were leaving after a couple of Happy Mondays songs. Went to by the merch table on the way out and bought a shirt and the

I like that the guy got through various encoding and ciphers, a youtube video, a craig's list ad, a reddit account and a flickr account, and then was amazed that they created a web site for the Easter Egg.

I honestly wonder if I would have liked this album as much if I hadn't seen Whiplash and Birdman recently and been thinking more about jazz than I have in the past.

They may not have done the score or theme for the TV show, but they did do most of the score for the movie, so it's not especially surprising that they went the same route even if they couldn't book the original band.

I always get Adam Claytwothousandpounds confused with Adam Caytwothousandpounds-Netherlands, one of my favorite comedians.

Short films are always so under appreciated.