
Hopefully so.
Although it's really hard to imagine them doing a deep dive into the historical parts of It in Derry. That would entail filming the period sequences involving The Black Spot, The Bradley gang and the Lumberjack murders. Is that even possible/understandable in a non-book format? Reminds me of the Black

Yeah, the deep dives and plot-asides that delve into the history of It throughout the ages were a fascinating part of the book. Still not sure how or if they can incorporate it into the general movie storyline.

This podcast and the three people on it are awesome. The levels of insanity they get to - especially on the live shows - are endlessly entertaining.

Of course he won't. Or DEA pot crackdowns, or Edward Snowden or anything else of relevant substance for discussion that his awful administration has presided over.
It'll be BS fluff and yukking it up and jabs at that "opposition" that keeps him from achieving all his noble, lofty goals.

There used to be a Transformers toy that replicated that vocal effect… Pretty badass.

Feh. I mean rappers in movies! What could possibly go wrong?
I know the cool kids all pretend to love Die Antwood, but they're unbearable.
Three words - South African Bjork.

No, just people like you that have some kind of filter on your speakers that make her guest verses not sound like the flaming piles of shit they are.

Christ I hate that lame f-ing song. It's like a horrible shit-chimera of Christina Aguilera and C+C Music Factory.

It's a solid number - have yet to play it for anyone and have them not like it. Along with 'Success', it made for a pretty great opening salvo on the album. It kinda peters out, but it's rare for any album to deliver nothing but home runs.

Yeah, they seem to be over any sorta media shenanigans or feuds. All I know is Paul Banks was bangin Helena Christiansen… And that's pretty awesome, even if she's past her prime.

I dunno - 'Barricade' and 'Lights' are pretty great tracks on the last album. Something's noticeably absent since losing Carlos left, but there's still a hefty amount of talent and skill in the ranks.

That's such a coincidence… Cause I really hate golf…and I hate seeing Tyler the Creator as a rapper. Or as anything else for that matter.

Who's career is more depressing at this point: Eddie Murphy or Steve Martin who's apparently only interested on fine art and banjo pickin'?

Damn, you - beat me to it by 0 minutes…

Right on. Anyone who saw him in this movie knew what a great actor he is. I was excited to see him bring that to Breaking Bad.

Always liked Moore's work on the Walking Dead much more than the current lame-ass penciler.

Always liked Moore's work on the Walking Dead much more than the current lame-ass penciler.

