
Who was it playing Wayne Randall, the serial killer..? I've seen him in some other things, but I can't recall his name at all…

Who was it playing Wayne Randall, the serial killer..? I've seen him in some other things, but I can't recall his name at all…

Who was it playing Wayne Randall, the serial killer..? I've seen him in some other things, but I can't recall his name at all…

Who was it playing Wayne Randall, the serial killer..? I've seen him in some other things, but I can't recall his name at all…

I've seen them twice now, and for some reason they never do Obstacle #2. Wonder if they're sick of playing it or if it somehow just doesn't make the cut. Which seems unlikely…

I've seen them twice now, and for some reason they never do Obstacle #2. Wonder if they're sick of playing it or if it somehow just doesn't make the cut. Which seems unlikely…

I just noticed in the opening where the machine gun fire goes off and the lady just flails the baby around before tossing it on the ground and bolting…

I just noticed in the opening where the machine gun fire goes off and the lady just flails the baby around before tossing it on the ground and bolting…

Also - Mos Eisley Spaceport:

THANK YOU. I dont get all the hate for Alexis Bledel here, she was absolutely smoking in that scene.

Meh. Just finished Geek Love and found it to be pointlessly hyped. It's a let down - there's no one in the whole damn book that you end up feeling any sort of empathy for.

Like I said - *flashes* of brilliance.

There was some criticism of it when it came out along the lines of the plot being a little too conventional with "individual spirit overcoming the limits of society".

Ditto for some of the people mentioning the flaming wipeout of "John Carter"…  Any reason not to ask him about his success going to live-action while another Pixar alum recently failed so spectacularly?