PenIs Mightier

You had me at "Vincent D'Onofrio and Dean Norris" and lost me at "Eli Roth."

[tears RHCP posters off wall, throws albums into burn barrel, tosses in match]

[thousand yard stare into camera, cut to black]

She looks how I imagine Kurt Cobain would today had he lived — emaciated and strung out.

Sorry to do it… "It can be two things." I agree she's a horrible person who mostly believes the terrible things she does and says, but I think she's also calculating and consciously pushes the envelope at all times to remain relevant and keep the grift going. Say awful things so the left will revile her and the right

The best part is she works both sides, and all she has to do to succeed is use grade school slurs.

Oh bummer, I didn't know that.

Wow, so Ken Watanabe is officially Hollywood's go-to "Magical/Wise Asian." (Godzilla, Inception, this.) At least they didn't cast Tilda Swinton in the role, I guess.
Hollywood: where not whitewashing stereotyped roles counts as diversity!

First team task will be coming up with an ad campaign for a new line of rubber baby buggy bumpers.

Dear god I couldn't believe this but it's true.
*struggles with urge to throw laptop out window*

Oh Boy George!

Look who's pushing pencils now, Arnie!

I remember seeing a trailer and thinking, "This might not suck. In fact, it might be kind of good!" Glad to find out my instinct was correct.

I like this because I feel this so much.

I once angrily called someone a "retard" in front of a good friend who's brother is severely disabled. I instantly regretted it, apologized profusely and have literally never used that word as a pejorative (or to describe a disabled person) again.

I am hard-pressed to think of a single such situation from 18 to now (early 30s) that doesn't involve alcohol as an accelerating/triggering factor in any embarrassing/shameful behaviors. Fortunately I've never "pushed it too far" in a sexual situation (serial monogamist, married). If I could offer any advice to

"On a scale of one to ten, one representing death, ten representing complete, total, unequivocal death, how dead am I?"
(BTW, let anyone think otherwise, this isn't an attempt to mock his passing, but an allusion to one of his ubiquitous, bombastic turns of phrase.)

I rarely complain about movies, even bad ones I know are going to be bad. I really try to find silver linings. And I'm as big a comics fanboy as any pop culture nerdling. With those things disclaimed, I really needed to get this off my chest: Suicide Squad is atrocious. I can't remember the last time I was this bored

Whoever that is is doing yeoman's work and deserves more credit than anyone else associated with this mess.

I thought Leto was god-awful; I just wanted him off the screen every time he appeared. And while you're correct there was some humor, all of it was forced and fell totally flat. I do not exaggerate when I say there were ZERO audible laughs in the theater I went and saw it in (morning matinee, ~120 people).