PenIs Mightier

If this show weren't a cable juggernaut spinoff, no way it's still on the air, especially since the budget is presumably substantial. I can be desperate for entertainment at times, but even I am willing to get off my lazy butt and go outside in lieu of slogging through unwatchable garbage.

Yeah, I didn't want to know THAT much about our dystopian future…

Exactly. Find a patron, stick with him/her. Sycophancy is the main theme of the show. (Well, that and incompetence and selfishness.)

This is the most accurate show about D.C. political turds ever made, no one will convince me otherwise.

Here's hoping. But good god, that rock music theme at the end just needs to go. So bad.


D'oooooooh Jee-zus.

Just answered your own unasked question.

This may be our 21st century 'Apocalypse Now.' Not because the movie will be good, but in terms of the grueling and psychologically traumatic filming experience…

When I'm looking for a director I know will capture the subtle nuances, human facets, and unforeseen consequences of America's post-9/11 wars, I instantly think of Zach Sny- [gets slow-motion roundhouse kicked in face]

Christian Bale and Sean Penn filming a movie together… well I'm sure there will be absolutely no anger or rage-induced problems on that set.

I should probably be ashamed of this, but I did literally laugh out loud at the part in the trailer where the guy tries to swing from a balcony on a string of lights and falls on his head. Which (a) reveals my juvenile penchant for base pratfalls and (b) means it's probably one of the few laugh-worthy moments of the

"Something incidental to Star Wars happened! Quick, write a headline, slap in a few obscure bits of trivia, and get that baby posted ASAP!"

… and he was only one day from retirement. Shame.

I assumed tight buns were a prerequisite for splits.

Thank you!

Splits or GTFO

It's why the documentary is unlikely to get a flaccid reception.

He's an internist, not a psychiatrist. "Addiction medicine specialist" simply means he has experience treating addicts, something any E.R. doctor does. It doesn't mean he knows fuck all about treating the concomitant psychological issues or help people learn to live with addiction. Which clearly he doesn't. He's a

Interests: dark, intense, menacing roles where the character's anger boils over into cathartic violence