PenIs Mightier

I didn't think I could hate the movie more, but somehow, now I do.

Thank you!

I just got back from Suicide Squad, and I can confidently say I wish I had seen this because at least there's a chance it's "so bad it's good," whereas Suicide Squad is just terrible.

What, Kenneth Branagh isn't fun enough for you?!

Points for *TIC-TIC-TIC*, but needs more *BWAMP* to get me excited.

Sicario 2: Electric Drugaloo

Taylor Sheridan will be writing a DCEU film in no time!

I'm no dealer or expert on the secondary comics market, so all I can say is I have this same problem. Sounds like the only difference is that I'm willing to put up with long boxes a bit more than other readers/collectors.

Pass — I'll continue doing all my late night drunk fast food runs by car, thank you very much!

Serious Q: Dowd claims that Supremacy and Ultimatum are the "most acclaimed" of the trilogy. I haven't checked critic scores or anything, but am I the only person who is actually partial to the first (Identity)? They all have their merits, but I just thought the original was most entertaining — perhaps if only because

"If only Anna Gunn weren't such a killjoy on Breaking Bad I might check this out!"
- Every guy who thought Walt was the hero and hated on Skyler because she was a woman
P.S. I realize she was no angel, but her bad acts paled in comparison
P.P.S. Anna Gunn is supremely talented and I'm legit looking forward to watching

… or Iron Man.

"It zooms up and down…" Thank goodness it's totally not a repurposed Twilight Zone Tower of Terror used as a vehicle to shoehorn the MCU into Disneyland.

I try to be accepting and non-judgmental about body art and piercings and so forth (i.e., body type/shape/appearance), but man, what looks like a key chain hanging from one ear is just so random. Like, it's not even gauged, but just stretched in a way that makes it look like it's melting or something. I was both

Zack Snyder and David Goyer are furious they didn't think of this first.

I suppose the only defense is that it's ostensibly for children so it has to be loud and zany to hold their attention.

Ha! Either you have proved literally everyone wrong, or literally everyone has proved you wrong! Uh, wait, I see now that this gets us nowhere… curses!

I have a misery boner for the premiere of season 3! (Currently less than an hour away on the west coast in the US.)

Yeah, the show picks up steam the second half of season 1. It takes some really surprising turns that give the show a lot more complexity and depth.

On my list of TV shows that wildly defied my expectations, Bojack is really high up there. When I saw the preview for the first season, I assumed it would be a mediocre to bad throwaway animated comedy. Two seasons in, and it is one of the most unique shows I've ever watched. The creators/writers/actors deserve a lot