PenIs Mightier

Well-hung AND talented first-time director?! He keeps this up, I'm gonna get a complex.

Sorry to be pedantic, but why does an interview of an actor by a separate, prominent publication constitute a 'Great Job, Internet!'? I thought the category was generally reserved for viral sensations, mash-ups, homemade DIY pieces, hidden pop culture gems, etc. Anyway, I'm off to finish sorting and labelling my rock

He's so transparently a product of the political elite. As you say, even if you're a liberal Democrat (or some analog), it does't change the fact he is a conceited tool. His sexual proclivities and extramarital dalliances are not the problem, per se; it's his stupidity and arrogance coupled with his pedigree that make

Was it this website or some other that tried to compare this to 'The Wire' as an epic crime story? I swear I read that somewhere. Either way, I'll echo Kevin Spacey's Lex Luthor… "WRONG!"

That Nancy Trabek, a little light in the loafers if you ask me.

"Your mother's a whore!"

I realize the "reshuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic" cliche gets tossed around a lot, but in this case, I think it's apt. Also, the idea that Johns is now "in charge" isn't exactly correct. He still answers to someone at Warner and at DC, and as the story says, he's "co-in charge" or whatever. Plus, Johns has

Ah, those were the days… (says the part-Irish guy)

In Seattle, until a few years ago, I lived near the all too rare trifecta, what I affectionately call a "KenTaco Hut" — KFC/TacoBell/Pizza Hut hybrid. They eventually dropped the Pizza Hut, then a few months later, the KFC, and it became solely a Taco Bell. But for a brief, magical time, the three bowel-shredding

I'm with you insofar as I'm not a Watchmen "purist," but I also understand the cynicism about the Before Watchmen project, as it was IMO more or less mediocre in pursuit of easy dollars. The biggest exception was definitely Cooke's Minutemen, which I think is worthy of esteem and praise on its own merits regardless of

Please do. If anyone did any amount of "right" by the original work, it was Cooke's Minutemen.

I made a similar comment above before I saw your post. Couldn't agree more. If any of those unnecessary "prequels" was worthwhile, it was Cooke's Minutemen. If you avoided on principle, make an exception and give it a read. He did as good a job as anyone could have honoring the original source material.

For sure. It was a major factor in cultivating my love of Batman and comics generally. He was central to that animation style/aesthetic. Big loss for comics (as well as his loved ones, obviously).

Gus, I'm with you: Mulholland Drive is shit.

So, I didn't watch this movie and somehow missed the part where they didn't make The Thing wear pants. It's a testament to how big a clusterfuck it was that I somehow never even heard about this laughable detail.

Fantastic Four 2 Two: The Search For The Thing's Penis (Or At Least Make Him Put On Some Goddamn Pants He's Creeping Everyone Out)

I'm ashamed to admit this story lifted my spirits and made me crave some Taco Bell. But I'm also kind of pathetic.

[checks underpants, frantically reaches for napkins…]

Well seeing as you've never eaten it, it's understandable you didn't put "ground beef" in quotation marks as it deserves.

Really gonna Sting when she realizes she misTook the whole thing.