PenIs Mightier

This is going to be the lamest video game of the year.

The Last of Us, because I'm 2-3 years behind everything that's popular.

-Me, half an hour into Attack of the Clones (after hoping against hope that the ship could be righted after Phantom Menace)

I've been saying for a while that Star Wars was missing dick and scat jokes.

Well, George Lucas wasted everyone's time making the prequels, so I think you're the lesser of two evils here.

The A.V. Club commentariat has a way of shutting them down — but only in legitimate cases.

It really encapsulates my extreme love / intense hate relationship with Vice. They do some really great, compelling, incisive, smart reporting — like, *gasp*, old school journalism. On the other hand, they manage to take all the good shit they do, and "tart" it up in the most (as you say) sensationalist and

It's a flaw that a good director can correct. Unfortunately, in most of his serious roles, Sly was either directing himself and/or acting off a screenplay he wrote. When he did have other directors, it was either a dumb action movie, or Sly was a huge movie star at the height of his career, probably making it harder

I for one am shocked to find out that a guy who writes a cartoon about a male engineer frustrated by all the stupid people around him is in real life a sexually frustrated misogynist who says insensitive and stupid things.

The children of the 90s grew up and see it as "hokey" or something. Superhero comics are always hokey and sort of reflective of their time and era. I imagine there will be a backlash against the "moral ambiguity" and darkness of the 2000s — maybe a retro return to the fun and adventure and classic idealism?

Fair enough. I've done much the same in the last year. Cut my Marvel and DC pulls WAY down to like 3-4 books each. After Secret Wars, I think I'll only have 2 Marvel books. But my "indie/creator-owned" pull is very solid — like 20 deep.

Presumably he'll show up in the latter half of B&R Eternal. It would only make sense… but who knows? I think DC wants him on his own so long as Bruce has "amnesia" or whatever. As you say, Snyder has shied away from using Damian, which I guess is kind of understandable because Damian was already featured in B&R, then

Goddamn clickbait.

I recommend Grayson. It's one of DC's best books. And Tom King's Omega Men if you're willing to step outside the Bat-family. Otherwise there's not much to get excited about, IMO.

His art is perfectly serviceable in that Draws Superheroes Sorta Like Jim Lee knock-off mold. He'll always draw a solid capes and tights book that won't ever leave you dissatisfied from a visual standpoint. But I agree, there's nothing special about his style that makes him a "must buy even if the story is mediocre"

I at least had the good sense to skip them all in the theater. I watched the first while on a lengthy business trip and trapped in a hotel room for several days. When I saw the CGI nightmare that was the first movie, I knew I chose wisely. I watched the second one high and the third one drunk with a few friends who

Tony Daniel, IMO.

u dont gotta get all but hurt about it

Well at least Peter Dinklage is in it. I'm sure the role won't play on his stature for laughs nor be far beneath his talents. Sigh.

Will half the studio audience boo him when he comes out on stage?