PenIs Mightier

Where else would I turn to mourn Leonard Nimoy than nerdy confines of The A.V. Club? Thank you, all, for being here in my time of grief.

My impression that we had reached peak Will Ferrell a few years ago was obviously way off. Apparently new reserves were found after wildlife refuges and the outer continental shelf were opened up for new exploration. The lesson as always is that Big Hollywood will stop at nothing to feed America's addiction to Will

*furiously mashing "A"*

20 years later and I have never loved a hip-hop album as much as illmatic, and I'm not sure I ever will. 10 tracks, no bullshit, great production, transcendent flow. illmatic is as old as old school gets. Only 40 minutes long. Skits, guest appearances, and vanity tracks have their place, but illmatic is perfect for

Oh, another way to get started: talk to the employees at a comic shop. If they're cool, and they should be if they want and deserve your business, they'll help you out. Don't be intimidated to tell them you're a newbie. If they don't treat you right, then the shop doesn't deserve your business. Find another one. I

- For modern Superman, read Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman. It's a 12-issue limited. My favorite Superman ever. (Published in the mid-2000s)
- The Killing Joke, in addition to Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Year One is another classic. Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum is also influential, if not quite as renowned

Yeah, I'd have to disagree as well. While Batman and Son with art by Kubert isn't top-notch, Black Glove and R.I.P. are excellent.

Good call. Just understand that reading digital comics, especially on a smaller screen, can affect your experience. But it is a good way to access a huge library of older titles.

I wouldn't start with comixology. I'd use it to purchase and read stuff that I'm unsure about when it's on discount. For the truly "classic" stuff (e.g., Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns/Batman Year One, Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, Grant Morrison's Animal Man), read it in physical form to ensure you get a chance to

Few thoughts:
- Re: Captain America, if you want to have plenty of reading material and you really want to enjoy a nice extended run on the character by an excellent writer, Ed Brubaker's time writing Cap (like 2005ish to about 2013) is perfect. The beginning of the run roughly coincided with the Civil War event. You

Re: Batman Eternal, SPOILER ALERT!

J/K. Everyone knows it's Lincoln March, or at least they should.

Morrison and Dini did a ton to turn the character around with their respective runs in Batman and Detective. Dini's run kind of sputtered with the post-R.I.P. Batman Reborn arc, but Streets of Gotham managed about 20 issues and did a decent job wrapping up Dini's run on Batman — even if it was Dick Grayson under the

Good call on Grayson. It's my favorite DC title right now.

Lazarus is definitely my fave as well and this attention is well-deserved. Great Job A.V. Club!

Who do I have to blow to get a Q&C movie made?

Queen & Country is a classic. One of my favorite comic works ever. He and Lark reuniting on Lazarus after their work together on Gotham Central made me so happy.

Yeah, he's addressed all this stuff very transparently. IMO, the backmatter is not essential to the story, but it certainly enriches it. If one really wants the full experience, the gorgeous oversized hardcover is the way to go.

There are so many great comics, writers, artists and creators in the comics industry right now. There are many different genres and styles to appeal to everyone. Not everyone does or should like the same things. To each their own etc.

I don't blame Eddie Murphy; I wouldn't deal with that Nancy-boy Trebek if I didn't have to!

Only if you want to start a #gate. #NotAllGreatJobInternetCritics