PenIs Mightier

I guess "forcing" myself to watch anything that I'm not altogether excited about is "homework" insofar as I'm concerned. I think that's partly because as I've gotten older and my life gets more complicated and hectic and there's less time for two-plus hour viewing sessions, those chunks of time are at a premium for

Gee, it's really too bad that Cosby's lawyer Mr. Schmitt has no way of stopping all these people from "lying" about his client. Oh, wait, he does; it's called a defamation suit, for libel and/or slander. Heh. Doubtless he'll be filing a bevy of them in no time… right?

I'll sound like a philistine (wait, how's that any different from normal?) but Whiplash just sounds like homework to me; a prestige award movie that I will have to watch eventually to sate my compulsion to experience and know all the year's "best" movies. The subject/setting leaves me underwhelmed. Your indication

Thank you. You're so brave for sharing that.

Interesting you couch it with "everyone I know with kids." Is that to better conceal the activities by eliminating odors, due to socio-economic place in life, or some combination of the two? I personally know a few people who are by no means well-to-do, but have made the decision to "invest" in the vape. Priorities,

I'm a sucker for Trader Joe's Christmas blend.

I feel just the opposite.
end of rejoinder

If you can buy quality whole bean in bulk and use it up fast enough, then it's totally worth it.

Debating the merits of Starbucks and Dunkin' is like arguing Budweiser or Miller. Nevertheless, sometimes you just have to drink what's available…

Oh, you can eat the placenta, but coffee from your own butthole is a bridge too far?

Hey, Late '90s Movie Humor… didn't know you were still around. Man, you don't look good. In fact, you've aged TERRIBLY.

You're all sick! Go on, get out of here, scat!

*eye twitches, hands shaking after fifth cup of Dunkin' this morning*

My grandfather and father both like the show. For them to both bring that up in what passes for conversation in my family is significant. I had nothing to say on the topic as it was the first I'd heard of it. So I guess that pretty much covers that.

Turns out we're both right. Chandler won in 2011 and Lewis in 2012. I guess there were two weird years where Breaking Bad didn't have "full" seasons (Cranston wasn't nominated either year). I can't speak to the merits of Chandler's win since I never watched FNL (liked the movie), but I have no doubt that Lewis beating

Of these, the only one I ever watched is Homeland. And I thought season 1 was ridiculous and it was an insult that Damian Lewis beat Jon Hamm for the best actor Emmy. (It was the year where Breaking Bad was on hiatus.)

I generally try not to jump on an "everyone hates this thing/person" bandwagon, even when I'm genuinely not fond of said thing/person, but for Katherine Heigl, I have no such compunction. History has proven us all right. She is objectively terrible, and she deserves whatever awful circumstances befall her career.

Well-played, Sir. I should have read all the way down before posting this:
"… But It's The Mediocre Mid-Season Replacement America Deserves"
I'd like to think we're both right.

"… But It's The Mediocre Mid-Season Replacement America Deserves"

At least the entertainment industry. And the banks. And the media…