So offensive; I refuse to get jews to this sort of behavior.
So offensive; I refuse to get jews to this sort of behavior.
Was pretty mean of those Jews to make her put that Nazi video out there.
I smell what you're cooking, Senor Spielbergo! Es muy, muy fuerte indeed!
I've never heard it either; I always have the volume on mute so no one knows what I'm watching. Heh. "Watching."
Never! Nothing is over!
[You just received 5 meowmeowbeenz]
Yeah! I'm sick and tired of these French assholes with their liberal science trying to ruin my movies with their nay-saying!
The A.V. Club
Yeah! Damn kids and their twitterz! Everyone knows that the best and most legitimate criticism comes in the form of anonymous sarcastic comments posted on pop-culture websites!
We must have watched this one together. I think. Or maybe that was Transporter 3. Oh, who cares. They're all the same.
*rips bong-load*
Mechanic: Gravel-Voiced Mumble Stew
Every uncredited role to be played by Jason Statham. It's his avante garde, metafictional student film.
Really, A.V. Club, not a single Requiem For A Dream / "ass-to-ass" reference? For shame. You're slipping…
He was the worst part of the movie for me.
Not sure if you saw the movie or not. (I've said several times now here on the site that I really liked it.) But there were admittedly numerous "on the nose" exposition scenes. This was the most illogical to me. If McConaughey's young daughter had asked what a Worm Hole was, it would have justified the simplistic…
Not as bad as the physicist explaining to McConaughey (his character is an engineer!) how a worm hole works doing the folded paper and pencil demonstration. It screamed EXPOSITION FOR THE AUDIENCE.
Oh, and his Wolf of Wall Street bit part is also great.
Between those three performances, I think 2012/13 was the official McConaughey renaissance.
Which time of year yields, "insecure, angry, sad, borderline alcoholic?" Because I think the whole A.V. Club may share a birth month…
I think the "twists" as they were, existed not to actually surprise or thrill (other than the most pedestrian of viewer) but rather make one think exactly as you did: "Oh, it's headed this direction; interesting… what does that mean for the plot and/or characters…?"