PenIs Mightier

I think the latter, but it's less political commentary about "the states" than it is meant as a metaphor for humanity's literal (physical) and intellectual (psychological) grounding on earth. Believing in advanced science and something beyond what the humans of Interstellar's future earth are subsisting in undermines

If anything, I thought Rubicon deserved a second season. But I also understand why it was put down. Low Winter Sun was objectively terrible. It was a bad 'Wire' knockoff. Those are the only other AMC failed shows I can think of off the top of my head. Were there others?

Thank you for making me very sad. And angry at the TV gods.

For once not trying to be a snarky d-bag: I only heard about this show maybe a year ago, I have no idea when it airs/aired, and I am flabbergasted that it made it to season 5. I thought there was one or maybe two seasons. FIVE?! And a split season!? The Mad Men/Breaking Bad treatment… that seems crazy. Unless of

From Ignatiy Vishnevetsky's review:
"Still, despite—or perhaps because of—its flaws, Interstellar manages to convey something of the spirit of sci-fi literature that’s usually missing from film. Its ungainliness and inelegance speaks to an enthusiasm that can become engrossing in and of itself; it’s crazy about the

"Benghazi, here boy! Now where did you get to you old scamp?"

*polishing the turd

Glad to see the comments on this film got off to a thoughtful start…

You hit the nail on the head. He's at his best when the scope is limited. What saddens me is that the first two trailers were, literally and figuratively, grounded. I was really hoping this was going to be a lower-key "big budget" sci-fi flick that might end up being more cerebral and exploratory in the philosophical

batin' =====> self-hatin'

Don't look at ME! I wanted a sequel to Houseguest!

Jingle All The Way 2 Space

"That's a paddlin'."
*Gives self a paddlin'*

Count me in! Loved the show, excited for this movie, will sob happily at end because I will have closure.

Not referring to Clarence specifically, just children's cartoons generally. There's plenty of inane stuff out there that could (and should) be considered more disturbing/offensive then two men kissing.

Why yes, their faces get completely full
of cake!

I for one applaud this. How am I supposed to explain to my children why two men are kissing in the middle of their teevee programs laden with scat humor and exaggerated-but-sanitized violence?!

*scampers to VCR, removes video cassette of classic Looney Tunes cartoons, tosses behind couch*

*remembers to button trousers*

It's not gay (or weird bestiality) if a female mouse fucks a female duck; it's just hot. Duh.

I figured GRRM would just shit out all the gold like Tywin Lannister since I assume all this series does is make money.