… and 'The Driver', the 1978 Walter Hill crime movie.
… and 'The Driver', the 1978 Walter Hill crime movie.
If you want to be literally faithful, #2 would be 'Drive Hard 2: Drive Harder,' and #3 would be 'Drive Hard: With A Vengeance.'
To be followed up a decade later by 'Live Free Or Drive Hard' and 'A Good Day To Drive Hard.'
That I know these exact titles off the top of my head makes me feel bad about myself.
*queues laugh track*
Black tights and knee high boots are apparently a required uniform for the young ladies at my local university…
Glad I'm not the only one who was squicked out by the concept of this show. The repetition of the words "die bitch" in the ads was highly disconcerting.
Such a bummer that they cut Lemire and Sorrentino's run short. They had at least another year in them. The Green Arrow "soft reboot" starting issue #17 lasted a year-and-a-half and it was very good, if not a bit unevenly paced at points. Nevertheless, the art was standout, and the story was among the best of the New…
I'm totally fine with what they want to do with the character. Giving it a wholly different not "grim and gritty" tone and aesthetic is a fun change of pace, especially in the New 52. That said, it's not altogether my cup of tea (the tongue-in-cheekiness). It looks a little too "tween" in its aesthetic for my taste.…
He should partner with Bono and Apple and make a Rock Douchebag show.
His next collaboration should be with Afroman. He could really help Robin improve his "because I got high" excuses.
* of shite
(because they're Irish)
I feel like I saw a trailer for this or at least heard about it like a year ago. It's just receiving wide release now? However, I may just be getting old and having trouble comprehending the passage of time.
I was going to suggest he should stop since they're a little on the nose.
… and she looks good in roller skates! … while completely nude.
I had Colonel Mustard in the Library with the Candlestick…
I prefer webcawlyr.
Terminatyr Genisys 3: Tha Surch 4 Mowr Munee
Stay quiet and hidden, maybe they won't notice us…
No, but I do have a well placed improvised IED and a hydraulic smasher. Alternatively, a vat of molten metal. Either should work based on my experience.
C'mon, wot r u wayting 4, kyll me naw!