Not gonna lie; Johnny Depp's "undercover" FBI agent wandering around in an FBI T-shirt really tickled my funny bone.
Not gonna lie; Johnny Depp's "undercover" FBI agent wandering around in an FBI T-shirt really tickled my funny bone.
You could use your mouth, since that's where you like to shove all those fish sticks.
I expected to find a serious and mature discussion of these talented young actresses' performances. I'm shocked, just shocked, that the discussion is focused on their physical appearances and the possibility they might bare some skin. You're better than this, A.V. Club commentariat. For shame.
I thought that was Frank Miller. Just kidding. He was never a joy to be around.
(Though FM really did go off the deep end post-9/11.)
If DC wants to do Batgirl "fun and quriky," I'm all for it. But this is just polishing the turd they shat out when they re-booted Batgirl in the New 52. They already had a fun, well-written Batgirl: Bryan Q. Miller's Stephanie Brown. And the Babs-Steph mentor-apprentice team was great. Also, Stephanie didn't look she…
The A.V. Club
"Full of shit … not factually accurate."
… then wrote the gifts off on her own tax bill.
It can be a tight squeeze, but I'm glad you boys made it work!
Eh, you know…
It's how she got CancerAIDS.
Problem with 6-month-old jaguars is that they grow up to be adult jaguars, then you have a full-size jaguar just roaming around the house, stalking the kids, maiming the mailman, shredding the drapes…
I'd rather be tied to and disemboweled by a pterodactyl with a jetpack than cuckolded by Zach Braff.
Speaking of wanting to fuck Zach Braff, my wife is inexplicably in love with him. Scrubs and Garden State were her two favorite things when we were dating in college, and now I'm going to dragged kicking and screaming to this monstrosity. The things I do for love…
I realize SyFy (nee Sci-Fi) has sort of become a pop-culture punchline, but I would be ecstatic if this series amounted to something. 12 Monkeys is an underrated movie IMO, and the concept of the film was reasonably original for the time and its portrayal on film. My only gripe is that Aaron Sanford is not bald(ing)…
"I mean, Rocky V was pretty good."
- No one, ever
Coincidentally, by about 12:45 in the afternoon, anyone who's ever eaten an A.M. Crunchwrap can't wait for a more appropriate outlet either.
I see what you did there.
*Doffs cap*
More like diarrheato, amirite?!
*Sprints to shitter*
Take it easy with the interjections. No need to yell to get your point across. Sheesh. Kids these days.