PenIs Mightier

Lemire and Sorrentino's Green Arrow run the past 18 months has been great. It's pretty clear it's being cut short as they obviously had more story to tell. Which IMO is stupid, considering that the art was stellar and the "reboot" of the New 52 reboot that they performed in issue 17 was absolutely necessary and the

I have a fake online personality to maintain here.
- The A.V. Club

Worst fanfic ever.

And nothing says freedom like the ability to avoid spending time with your family!

Eat shit, Barbarella!

The A.V. Club means never having to say you're sorry!

Anyone who has seen the mid-1990s made-for-TV production (NBC I believe) of The Odyssey starring Armand Asante would know that this is wholly unnecessary. If ever there were a work that stands the test of time…

Well, duh. You were giving him a lap dance.

Username/comment synergy!

Dad… is that you?

They may not be the hero we deserve, but they're the hero we need right now.

I just assumed fantasy sports is pretty much the last and only thing Yahoo does.

A boner is a terrible thing to waste.

This is a great excuse for me to celebrate and get drunk(er earlier than usual on a Monday)!

*Holds Tim Heidegger in tight embrace, rocks back and forth*
"It's okay to let it out."

And you all thought retaining my Yahoo user account was a stupid idea! Look who has the last laugh now!

So now we're just waiting for the "… and a movie" announcement!

There's NOTHING weird about a boner. Ever. OK, I suppose I can think of some scenarios. But definitely not now!

You can have me, but only if you ask nicely…

That's not what your mother said last night…