PenIs Mightier

Please refrain from using ethnic slurs…

I say this whole things stinks.

This pun thread is growing rapidly and far too fast.

I thought the title a bit odd; Polanski's not a big fan of fur from what I understand.

But, but… who will get us pregnant now? :(


Since they didn't have The Google back then, I can't fact check you, so you're probably right.

… and run it as a mixed-species human/canine foster program. Treating them the same is the morally superiorist.

"I got hops on hops on hops!"


"Oh, Tity…"
*queues laughtrack*

*queues laughtrack*

I mean, did you see how he was dressed?

That's not totally fair; he could also play a Klansman, a truck driver, or your angry, divorced Uncle Herb whose bitch ex-wife got the house.

Nelson Mandela: Did Someone Just Break Wind?

The end of that story took a really unexpected turn.

The A.V. Club
all are homosexuals

Don't force it. Sometimes you just have to ease your way in.

I'd be a lot more comfortable with that if they would just stop being all in my face and trying to shove it down my throat.

Yer all a buncha stand-up guys, I tell ya.