Chicken Pig

Yup. "Walk on home, boy." And that use of the word "boy" in this song has always sounded racially problematic to me. Taken in the context of such an angry song, the venom with which the word is used and the way it's basically italicized by inflection always bothered me. Anselmo's haircut doesn't help.

Can we retire the phrase "militant atheist," please? Unless we're talking about people who are, you know, shooting people and whatnot? I recommend using "annoying" as a much more accurate (and less offensive) adjective.

Can we retire the phrase "militant atheist," please? Unless we're talking about people who are, you know, shooting people and whatnot? I recommend using "annoying" as a much more accurate (and less offensive) adjective.



booo. We're gonna talk about the workers leaving the factory and not talk about the dog? Boooo!

booo. We're gonna talk about the workers leaving the factory and not talk about the dog? Boooo!



OK, first off, there are ways to show what happened rather than planting a flag.  Tyrion leads a bunch of troops through the sewer and defeats the group of Stannis' army that was at the gate.  We saw that, sort of.  Then a huge second group from Stannis' army charges at Tyrion's troops, threatening to overwhelm them

OK, first off, there are ways to show what happened rather than planting a flag.  Tyrion leads a bunch of troops through the sewer and defeats the group of Stannis' army that was at the gate.  We saw that, sort of.  Then a huge second group from Stannis' army charges at Tyrion's troops, threatening to overwhelm them

I've complained about how this show didn't actually show any battle scenes before this episode.  I understood why, but I still think it was silly to just have someone tell a bunch of people how the battle went rather than showing it.  After this episode's very cheap-looking budget battle, I change my mind.  The

I've complained about how this show didn't actually show any battle scenes before this episode.  I understood why, but I still think it was silly to just have someone tell a bunch of people how the battle went rather than showing it.  After this episode's very cheap-looking budget battle, I change my mind.  The

"The powers that be waited them out and the momentum kinda drained out."

This, as they say on the internet.  Almost nothing has happened this season. I don't see any real reason the Stannis/Renly thing couldn't have happened in episode two or three and Stannis invading the mud gate whatnot (or whatever is supposed to happen next week) couldn't have happened in episode four or five. The

This, as they say on the internet.  Almost nothing has happened this season. I don't see any real reason the Stannis/Renly thing couldn't have happened in episode two or three and Stannis invading the mud gate whatnot (or whatever is supposed to happen next week) couldn't have happened in episode four or five. The

Fuck Cersei.  She had Sansa's wolf killed.  Unforgivable.  I almost quit watching after that scene.  I only started watching again because I assume that she'll get hers. Torture, head on a pike, etc.

This is actually helping me: http://www.fanboy.com/wp-co… Not sure if it's kosher or not, but it would have had Arya going through about 7-8 different kingdoms on her way to Harrenhal.  That makes more sense for this scale.  But that's not the world that Martin's map or the show seem to be depicting.

Thanks for all the responses to my weird concern, everyone. = )

Well, the thing is is that the map apparently includes smaller towns (<10,000 ppl) already.  So, either some small towns are included while many many more that are roughly the same size are not, which doesn't really make much sense, or the land is too empty/big.