
I'm a woman, and this might sound weird, but the AV Club destroyed my trust of men. Forever. I'm not joking. It seriously fucked me up. I'll never have a normal relationship again. Why do I keep coming here?

The bad apple in this series is definitely The Blind Banker (the second episode. Baskerville is the weakest in season 2, however.

Lighting the wrong end of a cigarette is a classic drunk/stoned move.

Thank you so much for that link! Now I get to go be jealous of everyone working on that show.

Yeah, part of Tina's character is that she's not quite as good at the one-liners as the other kids. When she tries to keep up, hilarity ensues.

But Megan doesn't want to have kids. In this episode, Don says he brought up the subject during the honeymoon(!!!!), and Megan said something like his kids are enough.

Wow, a lot of people seem to have missed this.

Don't worry; I always read the whole review, and sometimes twice! I can't believe some people skip this.

I tend to agree with you, flowsthead, but she does have smarts as well. She did figure out the boomerang mystery.

It was a little eerie the way Megan broached the subject of returning to acting. She used almost exactly the same words Betty used in "Shoot."

I saw an interview with January Jones where she said she smoked in real life.

Ack, I just have to say that I love both "Pledging My Time" and "Obviously 5 Believers." Are they the best songs on the album? No. But I love them.

If I've learned anything about Mad Men by watching it over and over, it's that no line is wasted. Did they have to write the waiter asking Sally if she was finished with her Shirley Temple? No. Does it forward the plot in any way? No. But it has meaning beyond the words being spoken.

Maybe you should proofread your posts before hitting the button, especially when you're insulting someone else's writing.

Next week on Mad Men…The phone rings!

This. Peggy's idea was ahead of its time. Although I sort of agreed with the Heinz guy that beans look pretty gross close up. All shiny and organ-like.

Every week there's a different call for ______ and _______ from Mad Men to team up and travel around solving mysteries!

I like Glen. Sorry, everyone.

He didn't even say "balling."

I thought that she was sad because everyone seemed to be showering her with praises just like little Sally (oh wasn't she just so smart for calling emergency services when Bluto broke her ankle). Like it was a huge surprise that she could actually do anything good.