
Cause she spent the last decade locked in a Room.

I don't think it needs to be a specific comic group, just a good way to bring back a bunch of existing villains, many of whom didn't really get a chance to shine. Plus, it would be a good way to show off a fully (or even partially) powered Infinity Gauntlet.

I know that Thanos has his own minions, but I sort of hoped that he would create his own Legion of Doom out of the surviving MCU villains. Or resurrecting the dead ones.

I figure Sounds of Silence will be the big Avengers-style crossover movie, with The Neon God as their Thanos figure. The Loki equivalent would be, of course, Mrs. Robinson.

The Fox Newsmen?

I liked Mercer in the book, but it helped that in my head, he was basically Ron Swanson.

….buddy cop movie where Jesus and Satan are the reluctant partners and God is the tough but fair chief. Somebody steal this and make it into a movie!

Since everyone's doing their lists, I might as well go along. Note that I haven't seen Finding Dory yet, and I haven't seen Cars 2 ever, so they're not on the list.

Wait a minute. I haven't been Catholic for a while, but didn't Jesus spend the three days dead in Hell kicking ass? See, THAT could be a movie! Just intercut it with the post-resurrection stuff.

I swear, when I saw the link, I assumed they were doing a shared universe movie. It's just an inevitability at this point.

Probably the biggest "down side" to this idea is the movie will lose sales in some foreign markets. That said, we can't wait forever for entire friggin' Middle East to change. Sooner or later, change will have to come from exposure to the idea, and nobody has the clout to do it like Disney. They could afford to risk

Rick and Morty vs. Team Venture.

I actually played that game at Gen Con once. It was a Toon game, mind you, and they all had Street Fighter powers.

Who said either of those were the original? She's been pretty smart at keeping at least one of her far away from combat so far.

It's an overused example, but Undertale sort of works for me. Don't get me wrong, I loved playing it, but the trouble is you can only experience it for the first time once. That's why I got addicted to Let's Plays for a while. It's only way (except for really specific brain damage, I guess,) to get that visceral thrill

I'm a) surprised that Spongebob, their biggest moneymaker, wasn't mentioned, and b) annoyed that Zim wasn't even either.

Boy, good thing they probably won't have any good scenes in STAR WARS!!!

I wouldn't call it "bad," just "PIxar bad." That is, on par with their other low-end movies, like Monsters University and Brave. The ending in particular felt uninspired, though. I thought of a half-dozen clever ways they could have ended it, but they went with the easiest cliche.

I'm not really sure how that's true. I figure YEC would balk at the very idea of evolution here, not to mention the millions of years clearly indicated.

Finally! I always thought Jessie got a raw deal.