
I'll be honest. Despite all the "Greedo shot first" and what coming from Lucas, there is something a little sweet about the idea of him being excited to see his first Star Wars film in theaters.

Ooh, how about this? Shaak Ti and Asajj Ventress as reluctant partners? It would be like a buddy cop movie, but in space!

I have to wonder, how many hilarious deaths came from pre-3rd Ed editions? I find that player survivability shoots way up from that point on. Not that I'm complaining; it's just a different style.

The only Youtube people I know much about are mostly let's player and other video game stuff. I would actually be interested if the Game Grumps or Best Friends did it. On the other hand, thank GOD Pewdiepie didn't join.

You know, years later, the finale to this show still pisses me off.

The "especially good at ejaculating" pun is also right there.

"Please call your parents to let them know that Castle is back. Also, call that one friend of yours who won’t stop watching Castle."

Wait, Age of Ultron represents the sexist side? I thought Jurassic World was appointed for that spot.

So it'd be a Grammer Grammar Fight?

I wonder how Toon would work in Podcast/animation format? It might be tricky considering its starts out as a comedy.

I tend to be harsher on the later Simpsons than most here; I think the Golden Age last seven and a half seasons, with A Certain Episode dragging season eight's average down several notches. But while I thinks season 9 starts out pretty weak, I also think it improves quite a bit by the end. Bart Star was one of the

Well, obviously. That's why we have to IMAGINE them!

Oh, come on! How hard is Michael Cera/Jessie Eisenberg to come up with? It would be a buddy comedy/action drama, with the twist that Eisenberg is the sad-sack who gets all the comedy bits, and Cera plays the serious one with empathy problems.

I have just ask, on a logistical level, how does the muppet fighting ring work? I mean, the champion wins every round. Are there people betting on the challengers?

I just got a Wii U, so I haven't played Tropical Freeze yet. I was a bit wary, because DKC Returns didn't really do it for me. Both the controls and its general hard as balls factor. I mean, how do you make a game harder after the guys who made BATTLETOADS?

Okay, what the hell, Matt? DKC2 was the best game in the series!

Work has been PSYCHOTIC this week, so I am so not in the mood for anything deep, depressing, or AAA complex. I just bought Shovel Knight and Earthbound, both of which are right up my alley for now.

Right? Half of this article read like a list of my favorite Beatles songs. I'm with you on the ones that should be skipped, though.

Really? I'm convinced that an Avengers-style teamup with Disney princesses would be a gold mine, and it's amazing that Disney hasn't capitalized on it yet.

Real Abed (Danny Pudi) would be within a year or so of 35. I know because we went to college together at the same time!