Hilarious Topical Username

I find the American version to be much funnier. Andy Daly is fantastic.

Meanwhile Jane Pratt laughs all the way to the bank. She is horrible.

It's not libelous to call someone an asshole because you're just expressing your opinion. Calling someone a rapist is a whole 'nother bag.

I think that piece of information makes me dislike this movie even more. I found it dreadfully boring and uninteresting, and that was the best footage? Dear lord.

(pushes glasses up nose) Canonically, the outer senshi (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are the strongest, with Saturn being the strongest of the 4.

It's also not like Greta Gerwig is a staple of the mainstream Hollywood movies that Zoe Saldana tends to be in. Sure, indie movies tend to have meatier roles for women, but dropping the big studio roles for black and white mumblecore would basically be a giant step back for Saldana's career (and paycheck).

"And the next sketch opens promisingly enough, a period drama about Queen Elizabeth I in which the cast members keep swapping their “l”s and “r”s. It’s a sort of goofy wordplay that has no real point to it, but gets funnier as it goes (which I guess is the point) and also forces the audience to try and translate in

If you haven't seen Key & Peele, do so immediately.

I know.

Dropping the t-bomb completely killed this for me. It's a fucking slur! I want to like Alec Baldwin since I think he's quite talented and funny, but he comes off incredibly ignorant here. Yes, he gets a bad rap in the media and people love to antagonize him (because it's so easy!), but he's also a hothead who seems to

Oh nooooooo!

I was actually just thinking about this since I watched History of the World Part 1 the other night (it's the only thing I own with Sid Caesar in it) and realized that Mel Brooks is 87 and may not actually be immortal. That one is really gonna hurt.

I always thought the humor was in the fact that the guys just do not live in reality through a combination of stupidity, delusion, and substance abuse. In their heads, of course Alice is going to say yes to a fish fry, because who wouldn't want some delicious fried fish? The fact that they're days-old inedible koi

Agreed. I've tried to like David Lynch but I find his work aesthetically displeasing and unpleasant to watch. Also, as creepy and fetishistic as Tarantino can be, I find his treatment of and attitude toward his female characters to be a lot better than Lynch's.

That's replaced "His favorite movie is books" as my new favorite way to make fun of boring nerds.

Is there a difference? We did paint one guy's nails at one when I was 13, so I think that counts as a slumber party.

We had to sleep in separate rooms. It wasn't a big deal.

Louise is supposed to be about 9-10, right? That's still pretty firmly in the boys-have-cooties phase. I went to my first mixed gender slumber party when I was 12 or 13.

Yes, someone else who understands my MasterChef shame! Season 3 was the best/worst in terms of emotional manipulation. Every time Christine so much as sneezed, cue the swelling orchestra and my THC-induced bawling.

I figured Luca would wash out in the first few episodes but after the Vegas showdown with what's-her-face I realized he must have been picked to win, because the show really seemed to be grasping at straws to keep him around at that point.