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Il Luce.

The meat on the roll looked brown to me, which says cheesesteak to my Philadelphian eyes.

Rickety Cricket isn't dead. He's showed up at least once each season since the wrestling episode.

Frank seems like the kind of guy who doesn't let the time of day stand in his way when he wants a cheesesteak. (Also, I only saw meat on the roll. And now I really want a cheesesteak hoagie — there's a difference.)

I'm about 95% sure Frank was eating a cheesesteak. It's not just a sandwich!

Jordan looked like he borrowed his dad's pimp suit for the finale. Also, have we ever seen the top of Bime's head? Was he born with a conjoined fedora?

That wouldn't be very South Philly of her. I'd bet dollars to donuts she's from the "I'm gonna call all of my male cousins to show up at your house in one car with baseball bats" school.

I laughed my ass off during that scene. It was almost like the prizes were presented in descending order of importance to the contestants. $250k - hell yeah! A cookbook - pretty cool! Some lucite trophy - meh.

This really encapsulates the sharp decline in quality between seasons 1/2 and 3/4. The producers seem to want to create the kind of reality show conflict that comes up in a competition that is more about strategizing and backstabbing than demonstrable skill. The focus has gone from the food to interpersonal conflict,

If I recall correctly, one of the judges asked her to ask Natasha. It was obviously staged.

I'm about 85% sure Luca is going to win. The past 3 winners of MasterChef have all been women and Luca has the best story arc: rejected in season 3 to come back as a middling contestant and battle it out to become The First Male Winner in MasterChef History (as though it spans epochs and not four seasons of an

A friend of mine likes to say that his face looks like it has knuckles.

That's a fair assessment, though I disagree in some respects, as many of the "fancy" restaurants are actually fairly cheap, and if she got over her aversion to Asian cuisine she could have some amazing food for like $7. (I apparently can't reply to your other comment.)

It was burgeoning 5-10 years ago. At this point she'd have to ignore pretty much every news outlet in the entire metro area and never leave her house to miss it. Her borderline-racist dismissal of all cuisines except her own is what's tacky.

The mini judges weirded me out. A little too Uncanny Valley for me. (Or subliminal advertising for MasterChef Junior? Considering the shit they put full-grown adults through on this show, the prize for that show should be free therapy.)

Christian could at least turn out some really interesting dishes, and I remember being pissed that he could actually back up his arrogance with talent. Krissi keeps sticking to a variation on meat and potatoes and/or Italian, and her food just isn't as creative or interesting as other contestants'.

Also from Philly here, and Krissi's Souffilly townie ignorance makes me SO GODDAMNED ANGRY that I want to key her car and smash her mirrors. In the past 10 or so years Philly has become a world-class food (and beer!) city, but we have this hoagiemouth dumbshit representing us and acting like South Philly is nothing

Am I the only one who thinks that without her glasses, Bri really strongly resembles Sammi from Jersey Shore?

Is it just me or has "It's not how you start, it's how you finish" showed up in each of the past three or four episodes, the first being the one where GR says he says it all the time (i.e., never)?

Which further proves that Krissi is a fucking idiot and a racist troll, because South Philly has some of the best pho and Indonesian food in Philadelphia, plus about a zillion Chinese restaurants and not-bad cheap sushi places.