Hilarious Topical Username

I was such a Python nerd in my teen years that I bought a can of Spam and fried it up just to see what it would be like. Looks vaguely like pork, tastes like canned tuna. (Or just a can.)

I had the cassette set when I was in high school. It took up the majority of my parents' VHS drawer.

I really liked the "average people cooking really well" angle of seasons 1 and 2. And yeah, I love to heckle Joe because I hate that pretentious dickbag.

I'm so sick of the judges' handwringing over Bri. "We keep thinking you're going to screw up because you're a vegetarian, and then you don't!" So, uh, shouldn't the logical conclusion be that you don't have to eat meat to know how to cook it well? Or we can just continue to act like being a vegetarian is a handicap on