Hilarious Topical Username

Nope. I vote Democrat.

Watch the first movies. Fury Road doesn't make a lot of sense without them; you find out literally one thing about Max in two hours.

The new movie diverges from that canon without an explanation. Also, this is a new generation of the audience, many of whom haven't seen the previous ones. It would have been completely incomprehensible if I went in blind.

Nah, just a disappointed nerd who disagrees with the hivemind.

I'm honestly surprised that he handwaved away what I found to be a fatal flaw in the movie - an almost complete absence of world-building and characterization.

Don't sully The Big Lebowski like that.

Thank you! It's not a bad movie, I've seen way worse, but the unanimous good reviews are just baffling. This could have been way better with like one scene of exposition but instead Miller went balls deep into the action without actually explaining anything.

The 3D didn't add too much to the movie but there were a few scenes that made it worth it.

Yes, this comment is 100% telling of my personality. Four for you, Glenn Coco.

I hope you enjoy it! I really wanted to.

They're not my favorites but I enjoyed them. Fuck, Crank 2 is my favorite ridiculous action movie. I wanted to like this movie but it's so poorly written and plotted to the point that the action sequences become boring.

STID and Mad Max both sacrifice coherent writing and plot for set pieces. STID was godawful.

I have! This gives way less plot.

I like my fun to make sense. There's no exposition until the middle of the movie so it's basically just cars pointlessly going vroom until then.


Damn me for expecting coherent filmmaking!

Sorry, make that "somehow incredibly boring two-hour car chase"

I guess I'm gonna be That Guy, but I saw this movie on Monday at a preview screening and HATED IT. It is a two-hour car chase almost totally devoid of character development. Nicholas Hoult gets a little bit but that's about it, and even then it's pretty cliched and ultimately kind of a stupid message. Things just sort

That was season 4, I think. In seasons 5-9, the odd seasons have been mostly stellar with a few noticeable bombs and the even seasons have been mostly meh with a few high points. Season 9 was probably the best season they've had in years.

I saw the live show and, while there were some parts that absolutely bombed for me, I spent more time laughing and/or excitedly noticing references and in-jokes. (Although there were times where I felt Graham Chapman's presence was sorely missed; Terry Jones' energy and presence in the exploding penguin sketch just