Kip Hackman FBI

Why did Nico's five bodyguards stand there while Billy Walsh beat the shit out of him? Why did the director think the most impactful way to film a beatdown was to cut away from any of the action, and just show people throwing weak fake punches and fake kicks and fake stomps? Why did I watch all 3 episodes of this show?

What happened to Mike? He could bang Brody's wife when he was presumed dead, but not now, when he's an international fugitive wanted for blowing up the CIA?

Also, Carrie's dad said the CIA gave her a big raise and a promotion after the CIA HQ bombing… did it never occur to him that, since about 50 high-ranking CIA officials met their makers in that bombing, it's likely that everyone at the CIA got promoted?

I hear that he's going to have his brain cut out by a serial killer with mommy issues.

Poor Chris. He just wants to put his family back together and have someone to play cards with! Can't you see, Jess, that he's the real child in need of help?!?!

The Mouserat reunion show from last season on Parks and Rec where they debuted 2 lead singers. Bet you can't name another band with 2 lead singers!

Dennis Day would likely involve a lot of… less-than-legal means of obtaining sexual companionship.

More Sunny video magic - the video of the gang preparing to watch Mac… er, Rudy…, er, some guy they don't even know jump off the bridge was fantastic. I love that Dennis was really the only one who got the point, and as they bickered, Country Mac actually did jump.

NOOOOOO!! FILTHY PHIL, WHY?!?!?! The Irish have gone TOO FUCKING FAR THIS TIME, DAMMIT. You were too beautiful for this world, Phil. SAMCRO didn't deserve you.

I loved their sex roleplay with Cece in the room. Nick's sex character had a motorcycle, and then later, they have sex while he wears a motorcycle helmet. Stuff like that is what makes this show so enjoyable.

I'm not entirely sure how Schmidt could think this is Nick and Jess's fault. Because they made him tell CeCe? Nick got punched in the dick TWICE (and it nipped the corner on the second one) because Schmidt refused to be honest. I understand Schmidt doesn't want to think he's at fault, but why is he going to continue

I have no problem with a little bit of action, nor do I deny that this might go somewhere down the line. My question was why they had to have the abortive bomb plot and then the break-in, shoot em up at the compound, when the same purpose could have been served by just one scene. If you want him to inadvertently shoot

You're absolutely right. I completely forgot we know for a fact he does make it. So I suppose I should change that from "I don't believe he'll miss the wedding" to "we know he won't miss the wedding."

I did, but I am a sucker for baby-talk-related humor. I guess I just wish Marshall was more involved in the wedding, especially since I don't believe he won't make it to the wedding.

I did. I guess my main gripe is that I wish Marshall was involved more with the whole group, rather than split off in his own story with a guest star. This show works best, from my perspective, when it has the whole group together playing off each other, and Jason Segel seems the most engaged when he's around the rest

Is the Marshall/Sherri Shephard part ever going to be interesting? Tonight, Marshall liked the Vikings, and that was about it. I was so glad to see a flashback scene of Marshall and Ted hanging out - that's always been one of the stronger pairings on this show, especially when Ted needs a sounding board for big life

I couldn't agree more about the transparent villainy of Senator Mustache-Twirl. I kept waiting for Carrie to tell him he couldn't handle the truth, because deep down in places he doesn't talk about at parties, he wants her on that Nazir taskforce.

I agree with you on this. How in the world did they find 2 people to write on the show who were invested in the travails of the Brody family? I'm not even sure how you could come to be enthusiastic about that aspect of the story. To be fair, I enjoyed the family stuff in season 1, when they were dealing with having

I have one pretty big problem with this episode - the Quinn-kills-a-kid scene. So he sees the kid in the car with his father, and decides not to blow up the car, and instead take a completely insane risk of breaking into the man's walled compound in order to take him out with a silenced pistol. And of course that risk

The actor who played Zack Hamilton is all over Showtime this season. First Dexter, now Homeland. Look out… whatever other shows are on Showtime, here he comes!