Kip Hackman FBI

I struggle to understand how Joe keeps convincing people of anything. Is it because he's so boring and charisma-less that no one believes he's capable of lying? Everywhere he goes, good things happen for the Nazis, and bad things happen for the Resistance, but everyone just seems to assume that's a coincidence. I kept

I get some sort of backwards enjoyment out of watching a show that never gives you a reason to care about its characters, never answers any of the big questions it sets up for itself, and puts together multiple plotlines with holes in them big enough to drive a truck through.

I watched this whole thing today, and did not like any of it. I do not value my time.

And Al keeps getting beaten up by Xavier "The X-Man" McDaniel, who even then wasn't really a household NBA name, and would be virtually unknown to people today.

"Art! Your house is on fire! And your wife is home!"
"……. MY WIFE IS HOME?!?!"

It's a subject matter I'm sure you're familiar with, tsudbury.

We learned 2 new things Terry loves tonight - walls and lavender. I wish I'd been keeping a running total of Terry Loves from the Pilot. I may have to go back and do that and update this post at a later date.

The FABULOUS Ali Baba Hotel and Casino!

The long overdue career revival of David Schramm can begin with the Wings sequel.

They also went to LA to watch him film that show with Frankie and Annette.

It was her memory in the series finale, which she lost when she fell off a horse after running away from a dressage competition because Danny was getting too worked up and competitive with one of the other kid's snooty rich mother.

I'm seeing double here - four Ghostbusters movies!

"Beep beep, ribby ribby" could be Mail Robot's catchphrase.

I laughed so hard at the stuff about Chris Pontius from Aziz's post that tears were streaming down my face.

Oh my god, that movie. I saw it at a friend's house on basic cable one day. Denzel Washington as the long-lost son of George Segal. And it just gets more and more illogical from there.

The first time I ever heard Brian Pieces and Jack Sjunior discuss their incestuous affairs with each other's wives, who were their sisters, and the fact that they decided to name the second lumberyard Carl Sjunior's Hamburger Store, I cried with laughter. Harris was always so funny every time he showed up on CBB, and

Wheat Thins? Call me when they're Wheat THICKS. Gimme that wheat!

They also went America all over everybody's asses. That's probably my favorite team-up of theirs, and maybe the all-time best Charlie episode.

Why did every single episode of this show contain plots that would have worked better on Happy Endings? Wouldn't being legally declared dead make more sense for Max, someone who had no attachments and most people wouldn't realize was still alive? Wasn't there an episode of Happy Endings where Max and Jane called 911

PubLizity is the absolute funniest thing in the world to me. Tonight was my favorite one yet. Jenny Slate asking, "What's with that flop over your gonker? Are you afraid someone's going to bing your boinker?" made me do a spit-take, and the cliffhanger ending with Big Liz screaming, "You lost all the money!" was