Kip Hackman FBI

Dear Michael J. Fox Show:

Great, funny episode. I especially enjoyed the montage where they told people about their fake gay marriage. Bad paraphrase:

This is exactly the type of episode I'm looking for from this show. If you want to have 4 separate stories going on at once, then you should use them this way - while the time may not be equal, there should at least be something important going on in each one to keep interest in them.

I just thought of this - can someone explain why Toric framed Nero instead of Jax? Is it just because Nero has a truck, and it's easier to plant hairs on the seat of a truck than anywhere on a motorcycle? Obviously it's due to Nero's connection with the Sons. Is it just that there's stronger circumstantial evidence

He wasn't respecting women like the Sons do, though. Jax at least had the decency to be on top. Barofsky was making the hooker do all the work! That's not cool, bro.

Definitely don't want Chibs at a bakery. Did you see him sitting on the counter at the donut shop? That's a definite health code violation.

Clay murdered a guy in prison in full view of the guards. In real life, he'd be tried for that murder if he was ever slated to be released for killing Pope. In Sons of Anarchy, he will suffer no consequences because August's crew somehow runs all prison operations. Maybe he's the warden?

Tig killed Pope's daughter, so Pope wanted him dead. August wants him dead so people don't know he was glad Pope died so he could take over? That's the only possible explanation I can think of, not that it makes a ton of sense.

Filthy Phil, and ONLY Filthy Phil, deserves a happy ending. I think he should become president of the charter, and turn it into a legitimate bakery business.

Everything Lee Toric does in this episode is a monument to stupidity. Who the hell would be sneaking up behind him in his hotel room if it's not the prostitute he literally just finished fucking 5 minutes ago? Is this supposed to be some sort of further sign he's crazy and reckless, and thus should never be able to

I don't wear Wranglers and have never thrown a football through a tire swing. I just make bad life decisions.

I think my favorite part was when Quinn said she'd get a miracle, Dexter said, "That's exactly what it would be," out loud, I think. I couldn't be sure if he was just being a dick about it for no apparent reason, or if it was a line that was meant to be voiceover that didn't end up as voiceover. Or if it was

Speaking as someone who basically lived through this exact situation Ted is in, except that I was also roommates with the couple (yes, I am an idiot), I can tell you that the only way to move past it is to get as far away from the situation as you can and give all the parties time to get over it.

Dexter's VO: Should I tell them that I let Harrison go to Argentina with Hannah McKay, my former lover who also happens to be a wanted serial killer?
Ghost Harry: Dex, I don't think you should tell them Harrison is with Hannah in Argentina. That could only get you in trouble.
Dexter: Harrison went to Argentina with

I'm trying to see your side of it, but I just don't. We all post here and have fun talking to each other about what didn't work about this episode. We make jokes, and I have to say, I get more enjoyment out of these comments than I do out of the actual show. Instead of telling us what you think did work about this

Jamie: Dex, where's Harrison, my favorite person in the whole wide world? If it weren't for him, I don't think I'd have any reason to go on living!

In the interest of remaining civil, I will just say that those reviewers and their commenters are entitled to their own opinions, as we are entitled to ours. No one's opinion is more or less valid than anyone else's. If you wish to comment on a more positive review, I see at least 3 examples of reviews where the

I was surprised Deb didn't have a living will or a DNR or SOMETHING. Maybe Dexter was her health care proxy? You'd think a cop would put something in place for such a situation, what with the inherent dangers of that profession.

I'll be INCREDIBLY generous and grant him that a bunch of fugitives hide in plain sight. But they stop hiding in plain sight when a US Marshall comes sniffing around and a private detective is on their tail. They at least make a minimal attempt to not get caught. Hannah didn't because Scott Buck can't hold 2 thoughts

That works. I want to do Jamie's lines and Batista's wardrobe choices.