Kip Hackman FBI

@avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus I'm not saying that it would necessary implicate Frank, but doesn't it point to there being someone else on the scene? Wouldn't it convince the cops to look deeper into this and try to figure out who else was there? Not that I want to see that, because this show already

I refuse to care about Tusk unless they fill in his backstory by telling us that he was once a major in the military who had to raise his young children with the help of his faithful friend Gunny.

@avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus I guess I understand that they needed there to be so little time as to have no other options, but Frank was clearly in the driver's seat on the candidate search (which is another thing I don't get - how does he get his hands in absolutely everything that goes on in

Agreed. It makes no sense on every level. Especially since he left Peter in the passenger seat of the car. No one thought it was odd that he parked his car in the garage, then apparently got out, went to the passenger seat, and waited for his death? That didn't raise any red flags with the cops?

Exactly. Zoey completely upsets the power structure at the Herald in the beginning of the season… then it's like it never happened at the end, because she and the other woman leave and go to work for Slugline. So why did we care if Hammerschmidt had to resign as editor?

That was the part that really took me out of it. They could have convinced the VP to get back in the race without destroying Russo. The DNC said numerous times they had no good candidates; he could have taken that information to the VP and said, "We need you." I guess they needed to find out what the VP wanted to do,

I wholeheartedly agree with you here, Todd, although I'd go so far as to say I really didn't like the show and am not sure I'm willing to come back for season 2. There are a lot of problems with the way the show is put together that outweigh the good it did.

Are you willing to sacrifice Rooney Mara for that?

I know, I'm jumping the gun here. I was just really bothered by everything Dean-related last week.

I enjoyed this episode more than last week, but I agree with Todd about the change in the character of the Dean. Last season did a really good job of explaining a lot of the Dean's motivations and making it clear that, while he can be weird and off-putting, he really cares about Greendale and about the study group

I'd never considered this theory, but it makes a heck of a lot of sense. And to take it further, the reason he sabotaged things with Victoria is because she was the best person he'd ever been with and someone who really would have been good for him. So since no outside forces were present that could sabotage it, he

mratfink - he does have the house. It was established in the episode where he bought it that it's the house where he's telling his kids these stories

I think the problem here is, with the big reveal looming at the end of the season (if there is any higher power up there that loves those of us who are still watching this show), the writers had less than no idea how to get to that reveal in an efficient way.

That's basically any hotel you'll find in Schenectady. Having lived there all my life, it actually looked like one of the nicer hotels in town.

Archer's male role model growing up was Burt Reynolds. Seriously, that's like eggs 101.

Well, this is so embarrassing, but…

They dated for the entire summer of 1.5 weeks. Then he dumped her to get back with Louise Marsh, because her folks were putting in a pool. Definitely was glad for the Louise Marsh reference in tonight's episode.

To be fair, all we really learned at the end of that episode ("How I Met Everyone Else") was that, while Ted thought Lily had come to the room because she remembered him telling her his room number, that wasn't actually the case, and Ted had given his room number to, and made out with, an entirely different girl,

He retired from acting and won't come back, no matter how many letters I send him.
