
Hey, as the saying goes, if the genes ain't the same, she's fair game

Jesus, Harrison, they're minerals!

The fact that Hank and Gomez didn't get hit (the Aryans weren't at much risk even though they behaved like total morons, they had the firepower to keep the DEA agents pinned and prevent them from aiming off shots) was sort of believable. I posted something to this effect earlier, but when Rhodesian forces (very well

Who cares about words or meanings or stupid things like facts or sharing knowledge with people, @avclub-07175a64289e25cc60baf30ed7832068:disqus is busy sticking it to the Aryan Brotherhood, who for much too long have drifted along being accepted by the people for being an innocent little prison gang instead of a bunch

@avclub-b5706dc9508d67a01718c142ca80b8b4:disqus OHHHH! I was wondering why he kept reusing old nonsensical one-liners for that scene

@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus  See? You just proved exactly what I said about getting people to care about the difference being a tough sell!!!! I never said they were heroic, but yeah a lot of AB members are probably totally misunderstood. The fact of the matter is though, AB is a prison gang (and

Getting people to understand/ care about the difference between a group of people who believe that jewish/bolshevik influences are trying to enslave humanity and that the white Volk needs to follow the example of the NSDAP, rise up and smash them and a group of prisoners who band together with similar skinned folks

The White Supremacist cavalry sweeps in to save the day… It's Birth of a Nation all over again

It looked like possibly at least Gomie got hit in that though judging by the way he took into the cover. Which brings another trait of shootouts that might have been done here that doesn't get dealt with right at all usually is that unless somebody takes a grievous hit that totally incapacitates them, the adrenaline

He's the All-American kid who isn't too clever but works hard and is ever-loyal to his family. There's this gal he's quite fond of (he thinks she's just swell) but he doesn't know if she even knows he exists. It just so happens that his family is tied to a prison gang and the family job was burglary [then meth making]

Gun combat is never the clean, pop-pop-splat walk away thing that TV shows like to show it as. If you look at the reports of police officers who have to use their weapons, most of the time you'll find they don't even know how many rounds they fired, usually thinking they fired a few while they actually discharged

I don't think so. Usually DEA/police agents wouldn't be moving in on a drug kingpin all alone (so even if they wasted the two of them they would be basically surrounded by their backup) and one of the main things that most people avoid, regardless of their other criminal activities, is having the deaths of federal

I think they should have touched on it, but I think their case was going to be the huge confession of Walt's crimes he gave when talking to Jesse  as he was driving to the money (he exploded and said I ran over those 2 dealers for you and Emilio and Crazy 8)? Could they have recorded that/ would that be legally

Oh my god that ending……..

Haha was that on purpose? Because I dont think I want to know how somebody could rock a goatse….

Didn't he threaten Walt with exactly that though, including mentioning his baby daughter?

Necessity makes for strange bedfellows, as the saying goes

@Persia Maybe he was just trying to help Walt out by dry cleaning his floor but the whole situation turned into a Mr. Bean-esque fiasco that ended with gallons being poured everywhere?

A parade rolls past but neither party is bothered… Then a huge gunfight between 2 cars driving past… Then some hooligan kids come and throw bricks through the window but neither party bothers to look up from what they're doing

I kind of wonder what it would take for any of the episodes to get higher than a C. Could anybody possibly be brought in to stop the slowly progressing trainwreck as the plot just telescopes, with each episode's flaming hulk ripping apart any hope of the ones that follow it. I wonder if by bringing in the best